Francis Vanhamel wins with "ROMULUS" B22-5088495 the 1st National AS pigeon KBDB short distance youngsters 2022!

The new star of short-haul in Belgium comes in 2022 from the small breed Francis Vanhamel in Berverlo (province of Limburg). The teacher is not only a pigeon fancier but also a football coach at KVK Wellen.

What a great victory for Francis! his bird „ROMULUS“ B22-5088495
has just been used seven times to win this coveted title.
The new speed emperor „Romulus“ B22-5088495 won together overall 10 x 1st prize in the Club, Union and West Province Limburg!

If you look at the pedigree, you can find the famous “King of Sprint” bloodline from Mark Janssens on the father’s side and the lineage from Frans Rondags (Speedy/Figo) on the mother’s side.

So with the best that can be found in the Belgian speed game.

B22-5088495 “ROMULUS” The new emperor of speed!

1st national ace pigeon KBDB youngsters short distance 2022!

Results for the National Ace Pigeon KBDB short distance youngsters 2022:

04.06.22 Momignies 138 km 4./ 662 pigeons

09.07.22 Momignies 138 km 1./1.106 pigeons

07/16/22 Momignies 138 km 1./ 692 pigeons

23.07.22 Soissons 226 km 2./3.185 pigeons

30.07.22 Soissons 226 km 1./2.861 pigeons

008/06/22 Momignies 138 km 2nd/3,282 pigeons

Such super performances naturally arouse desires and the offers for “ROMULUS” were enormous.

However, the pigeon in Belgium remains with none other than Markus Bauer, operator of the internet auction house amazing-wings and partner of Rene Geukens from Paal. The two won the 1st National Bourges against 18,707 youngsters last year.

Success is pre-programmed here.

Markus Bauer, Tel. 0032 471 851357 e-mail:

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