News from the industry…

Vanrobaeys nv informs that in the course of the Age regulation from November 1, 2022 with Mr. Florian Pitz a new sales manager could win. The previous contact person, Mr. Klaus Sax, will say goodbye to their well-deserved retirement, but will continue to do so stand by in an advisory capacity.

Mr. Florian Pitz is more successful himself Carrier pigeon fancier and brings years of experience in the field of Feed production and its distribution and will answer all your questions advice and support on all these topics.

You can reach Mr. Pitz at:

Mobil: 0032 47 201 47 92 – Mail to: – Fax: 0032 56 42 22 22

Priest-Coulon-Street 100 – 8930 Rekkem – Belgium

Mr. Sax reach you at:

Mobil: 0049 (0) 173 833 09 52 – Mail to: – Fax: 0032 56 42 22 22

Priest-Coulon-Street 100 – 8930 Racks – Belgium

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