Breeding preparation…

Carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and vitamins now form the basic structure of a healthy pigeon diet. However, the nutrient requirements for the forage vary extremely over the course of the year. For example, the need for the essential amino acid methionine is very high during moulting. That is why we have developed products that optimally support the pigeons in the respective phases of life and performance phases.

For example, before a mating, it is a supplement with the Fertility vitamin E recommended. For this we have our Taubenfit-E-50 developed. When the eggs are laid and the young should hatch the breeder switch to a dose of Gervit-W twice a week. When the young are then weaned, eat well and are blacked out should, we recommend one daily in the darkening phase Administration of pigeon gold over the feed, so that the pigeons as possible quickly and easily get through the moult and a flawless Plumage can be formed.

All our vitamins and amino acid preparations are specially tailored to the pigeons and enable optimal exploitation of potential.

They buy products here…(click)

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