Georg Fatah – Good travel year 2022 despite losses…
Georg Fröhlingsdorf and his wife Veronika have been part of the Röhnfried Racing team since 2016. Since then, the duo has been able to convince again and again with top results. Reason enough to interview Georg.
Ask: How do you assess the past season?
Answer: We weren't entirely satisfied, but in the end she was okay. We had a "failure" from Hemau, but otherwise it worked. However, we had higher losses than ever before on the senior bird trip with 20 pigeons. We don't know why. On the last flight a hen with previous 11/11 prizes was lost including three "firsts" and one hen who had previously flown 11/10 prizes. Nevertheless, we got a travel performance of 74 price percent. With the young animals it was still 61 percent.
F.: What system do you use?
A.: We fly after the "total". We started with 62 animals, including some surplus females. Since we take the animals out of the race after the 4th or 5th flight that don't make it, we were able to give some of the unmarried females mates. The yearlings are treated like the old ones and usually also take part in the final flight.
F.: Which Röhnfried products do you use? A.: We use a number of products: 3-4 times a week during the journey but also during the moult there is Hexenbier, possibly mixed with Atemfrei. Carni Speed is available every day of the season, Blitz twice a week. By the way, we give all products via the feed. Blitz, for example, we pour through the rubber stopper like a salt shaker over the feed by feel. We also mix, e.g. Blitz with Hexenbier. On the day of return and the day after, there is K and K protein, as well as on the day before the start together with energy oil. BT-amine is also available through the feed. We only give Rotosal on heavy flights. For drying, we use, among other things, Pavifac brewer's yeast, Topfit feed lime or herb mix. Grit and minerals are changed daily, out of season 2-3 times a week. In the spring we do a cure with Hexenbier. We have the feeling that more down falls afterwards and the breast meat is better supplied with blood. We don't want to hide the fact that we give a lot of Hessechol during the moult.
We always mix more feed than the racing pigeons need and give the leftovers either to the youngsters or to the breeders. That's a lot of products, but we're confident in the quality and utility.
F.: Problems with the JTK? A. We are using the RP vaccine for the third year. In 2022 we vaccinated twice for the first time. Some sagged for a long time after the first vaccination. When there was no improvement, they were removed. After the 2nd vaccination it was quiet.
Best Aviators of the Season
3318-21-1228 V, 13/12 prices, 965 AP
3318-20-1036 W, 13/12 prices, 903 AP, 2021: stopped after 5th flight due to injury, 2020: 5/5 prices, 470 AP
3318-21-1262 V, 13/11 prices, 955 AP
Best flights:
Prize flight from Neumark 336 km (m.E.): 7853 pigeons entered (RegV), 51/48 prizes. The 31st own pigeon made 91 AP. "A Dream Flight"
Run a.P., 341 km, 758 seeded (TG), 49/41 prizes, 1st - 8th prize
Parsberg, 389 km (RV), 3159 pigeons set (RegV) 27/24 prizes, 1st, 2nd, etc.
Achievements 2022
1. RegV-year-old master
3. RegV-Alttiermeister
1. Ass-Vogel of the RegV
Won all championships in RV except young animal championship.
results of the last years
3318-21-1228 V, 13/12 prizes, 965 As pt.
3318-20-1036 W, 13/12 prices, 903 As pt.
2021: stopped after 5th flight due to injury
2020: 5/5 prizes, 470 ace points.
3318-21-1262 V, 13/11 prices, 955 As pt.
Dettelbach, 250 km, 1722 set (TG), 61/49 prizes, 1a., 1b., 3rd, 4th etc.
Regensburg, 406 km, 6300 set (RegV), 30/25 prizes, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.
Regensburg 406 km, 4262 set (RegV), 25/21 prizes, 3rd, 51st, 15th etc
4. Ace hens federal level
8th Association year champion at federal level
1st RegV champion yearlings in RegV 407
1st RegV champion young animals in RegV 407
2. As female in RegV in RegV 407
1st prize against 4452 pigeons from 549 km
14 x 1st bankruptcy in the RV
9th place national, magazine Brieftaube
10th place RV association championship d. association
1. RegV champion internal (B)
1st RegV champion
1. RegV-year-old master
1st RegV group champion
1st RV champions
1st RV Association champions
1st RV Jährigenmeister
1st RV hatchling champions
1st master, magazine carrier pigeon
11x 1. Bankruptcy Alttierreise
5x 1st prize for young animals
8 x 1. Bankruptcy
7th German yearling champion 2017 at national level
4 pigeons 14/13
6 pigeons 14/12
1st RV master
1st RV champion yearlings
1st RV champion long distance
1st RV champion short haul
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 … Best yearling bird of the RV
3, 6, 10 … Best yearling hen of the RV
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11 Best adult cock of the RV
1, 2, 3 Bester As-Vogel
Travel performance 2017 73%
Contact info
Tel.: +49 2204 81196