In MAY 2023 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp… –

In MAY 2023 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

Several breeders have visited ours in the last few weeks Clinic who indicated they want to pursue a natural program, but couldn't get by with the catalog they had taken to the fair. First I thought that was a bit of an exaggeration because I assumed that things are clearly described. When I addressed this in the clinic, two new ones gave Assistants indicated that they also had difficulties with the list in the catalogue.

I think it's good now, our natural system to give an impulse, as in my book "keeping pigeons healthy" under the Aspect of disease prevention, health care and performance improvement described. The starting point is that the breeder knows how to feed. That he uses good feed and consistent quality.

disease prevention

First of all, it is important before the season determine if there are still respiratory problems or other deficiencies in the Pigeons exist, which can be remedied by medical intervention. This must be remedied no later than fourteen days before the start of the flights, so that the pigeons have enough time to get away from the necessary treatment medication to recover. As far as health care is concerned, it is right now on the first flights, when the infection pressure in the travel baskets is at its highest is to keep one's finger on the pulse of the times, whether during the stay in the baskets got infected again. If a club in the region relative performs poorly, that is certainly an important point.


When infections are contained, it is important ensure that the risk of new infection is contained as much as possible becomes. This can be achieved by optimizing the resistance of the pigeons is supported. Within our base system, the Bony SGR and seit this year the Bony Bio Complete is the common thread. Practice shows that the regular alternating provision of both products in the drinking water makes a major contribution to good intestinal health. This in turn supports the general resistance is such that the pigeons are often less susceptible for general infections. To further support this overall, given the Bony Usneano Plus over the drinking water the day after returning home. This drink makes it quite difficult for coccidia and trichomoniasis to spread to spread.

The transition from health care to performance promotion includes the three products we recommend during weekday feeding. The Omega Nucleovit, the B.M.T. and the base core. Combined supports this Combination not only builds up the natural resistance, but helps also in building an optimal level of performance.

As soon as more is demanded of the pigeons, the power comes Glutavit and the Bony MR Plus come into play. The former mainly comes beforehand of short and medium-haul flights, while the Bony MR Plus his spurs more than on the one-day and multi-day long-haul flights earned. Where the transition to the use of the above products lies, depends on the flight conditions and the "instinct" of the breeder. Both products are added to the feed, for example with flying oil.

With the above-mentioned additional products, the performance should improve already improve significantly. But many breeders swear by it before the flights Add 10 drops of Bony Mineral to drinking water. These trace elements provide that the pigeons come home fitter and not like squeezed lemons lie on the spot. It has been one of the top products in the market for years Bony range.

If the medium-haul flights are imminent, it may be advisable be to give the pigeons an additional boost.

This is done with the Bony Cat Plus together with the Bony Mineral added to drinking water. The combination provides a boost during the flights. We give the Bony for one-day and multi-day long-haul flights SGR itself a few days in a row. For multi-day long-distance flights the last four days before basketing. The last three days we give that Bony Cat Plus and Bony Mineral for the last two days.

For long-haul flights lasting several days, we give the Bony MR supplement over the feed with Fly Oil 2.0 for the last three days. The The combination of the products mentioned ensures a balanced build-up of performance to the flights. So well prepared, the pigeons come into the baskets.

Pigeons that are in our care also get during the day of basketing special capsules. It is important to determine whether it is the pigeons goes well.

Of course, pigeons that are suboptimal do not benefit from this kind of balancing natural capsules. You don't spot racehorses either donkeys.

But what about all the other products that are also in catalog are? Let me get that straight. Start carefully at the beginning and build up the pigeons. This is good advice, which unfortunately is misunderstood by many breeders is ignored. According to many, this "construction" is too time-consuming and one would therefore like to draw on some of the remaining products. Products, which are basically designed for special circumstances as soon as the normal system falls short.

Breeders who are looked after by our clinic can complain, for example, that the desire to fly is still there despite all good intentions is moderate. For these cases, the Bony Endurance and the Bony Training Mix were used developed. Both products build up the desire to fly and endurance. But that too reasonable breeders can achieve with the products already mentioned. She do not use the turbos immediately.

Both Bony Endurance and the Bony Training Mix contain, among other things, octacosanol. This substance offers how through Scientific studies have shown that the endurance can be increased by approx. Increase 10% if the build-up phase desired for optimal results was complied with. For this purpose, this mixture should be used during the training structure are given on about 14 consecutive days, possibly in combination with Bony Omega Fly Oil Octa 20,000. After this A dose of twice a week is sufficient for this period.

Ordinary vitamin supplements taken after an illness can be given are the Bony Farvisol or the Bony Fly Vitamin Plus.

What if the pigeons come back from the flight? Then can You receive the pigeons with Bony Bolectrol supplemented with 10 drops of A Booster. The A-Booster is a concentrate of directly absorbable amino acids enable a quick recovery after the flight. The Bony Recovery Capsules were developed for pigeons that have suffered because they have been wandering around for a few days are. However, after the flights, these found their way to many breeders, to support the pigeons individually.

This is not Bony's entire product range. Other products are also worth mentioning, such as the widely available Bony Bronchicron. But I still want to end the list here before the overview is lost again.

I hope this report has brought some clarity to those who are new to our products but want to get started.

Good luck!

Boskamp at research1
Peter Boskamp

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