Top results weekend 03./04. June 2023…

These are the top prices from the weekend of 03.06. until 04.06.2023.

Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg

006/03/2023 Stargard (343 km) FG 2,966 pigeons

1-2-26-26-28-30-32-34-34-36-37-65-66-72-103-115-126-128-128-130-132-136-156-167-175- 190-194-201-208-209-253-282-287 etc. (46/79)

005/03/2023 Stargard (343 km) RV 405 year olds

1-2-7-8-10-10-12-17-20-32-34-36-37-37-39-40-42-48 etc. (26/51)

Horst Standke, Mettmann

03.06.2023 Weissenburg 379 km RV Mettmann 406 pigeons

4-5-7-21-40-40-76-100… etc. (14/10)

Christian Rummel, RV Dinkelsbuehl

006/04/2023 Flight from Bar le Duc (403 km) against 1690 pigeons in the regional association.

1-4-19-60-62-99-101-130….. Regional 38/21.

SG L. + A. Gieseking

flight departs Saarlouis 301 km RV flight against 1341 pigeons and 42 fanciers

8., 26., 29., 43., 46., 85., 117., 123., 164., 165., 168., ………20/24 rates 83%.

SG Weber-Kleekamp – Recklinghausen

04.06.2023 Amberg (420). km) RV 492 Tauben

2-10-12-16-19-32-45-46-51 etc. (23/47)

Funk, Ralf & Moritz-Trierweiler

04.06.2023 Auxerre (318 km) RV 447 Tauben

3-4-5-6-7-10-14-15-33-37-39-43 etc. (18/28)

Schrieber, Erwin-Graphhorst

03.06.2023 Book (4 km) RV 388 Tauben

2-18-30-37-38 etc. (18/29)

Jef Vanwinkel, Tielt Winge

27-05-2 Bourges 465 km Zonal 2415 Alttauben

11​-23​-105​-141​-158​-177​-262​-265​-313​-406​-409​-419​-462​-495 (14/17)

03-06-2023 Sermaises 353 km Verbond 822 Alttauben

1​-5​-19​-40​-43​-54​-59​-61​-67​-68​-79​-83​-102​-103​-113​-115​-131​-134​-139​-145​-149​-166​-169​-170​-181​-190​-210​-223 (28/46)

Benny Steveninck, Hamme

03-06-2023 Limoges 651 km Zonaal 2850 Alttauben

13​-43​-169​-189 (4/4)

03-06-2023 Toury 358 km Verbond 874 old pigeons

1​-2​-3​-5​-7​-12​-13​-15​-16​-17​-19​-19​-22​-24​-25​-27​-29​-35​-39​-49​-57​-60​-67​-78​-102​-160​-163​-166​-181​-214​-235​-269 (32/33)

03-06-2023 Toury 358 km Verbond 580 year olds

1​-2​-3​-5​-7​-11​-13​-15​-17​-18​-20​-24​-28​-71​-100​-104​-136​-166 (18/19)

Albert Derwa, Herent

03-06-2023 Sermaises 343 km Verbond 1373 Alttauben

1​-1​-3​-4​-12​-191 (6/10)

03-06-2023 Sermaises 343 km Verbond 936 year olds

1​-1​-3​-4​-121 (5/7)

Sabrina Brugmans, Halen

06/3/2023 Limoges 666 km Provincial 912 Alttauben

4​-23 (2/3)

03-06-2023 Lorris 389 km Verbond 817 years old

1​-2​-4​-19​-219 (5/6)

03-06-2023 Lorris 389 km Verbond 1346 Alttauben

2​-3​-5​-30​-32​-38 (6/8)

03-06-2023 Momignies 121 km Club 356 youngsters

1​-2​-10​-15​-16​-17​-18​-19​-25​-26​-30​-33​-36​-43​-44​-49​-56​-57​-58​-60​-62​-66​-92​-96​-100​-108​-110​-113 (28/53)

06/3/2023 Nevers 476 km Provincial 816 Jahrige

1​-72​-121 (3/4)

06/3/2023 Nevers 476 km Provincial 1783 Alttauben

1​-7​-138​-179​-228 (5/6)

1​-3​-7​-8​-9​-11​-17​-19​-22​-23​-29​-32​-33​-41​-47​-48​-59​-62​-87​-89​-92​-94​-108​-110​-111​-138​-140​-143​-159​-165​-184​-213​-249​-254 (34/41)

04-06-2023 Limoges 616 km Department 1506 Alttauben

4​-8​-88 (3/5)

03-06-2023 Lorris 423 km Verbond 2281 Alttauben

1​-20​-24​-28​-33​-34​-37​-42​-84​-89​-105​-123​-177​-216​-223​-236​-239​-270​-276​-313​-320​-342​-356​-361​-363​-390​-420​-446​-460​-474​-570​-625​-654​-710 (34/40)

Team GPS, Elshout

03-06-2023 Melun Andrezel 382 km Afdeling 8013 Alttauben

11​-14​-78​-79​-89​-91​-94​-111​-150​-207​-222​-253​-260​-265​-366​-371​-476​-524​-569​-603​-631​-637​-676​-683​-730​-734​-780​-801​-996​-1019​-1023​-1036​-1094​-1141​-1145​-1175​-1183​-1289​-1309​-1336​-1473​-1553​-1835​-1865​-1974​-1979​-2284​-2306​-2339 (49/55)

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Carrier pigeon market championship 2023

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