In JUNE 2023 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

“It doesn't work without it anymore”
The most frequently run Discussion with breeders is whether the pigeon sport without the use of antibiotics is still possible. I try to make it clear to breeders that a simple Yes or no answer is not possible. This is not a black and white question. I have several breeders in practice who play very well without medication. But I also know breeders who play very well by keeping the pigeons regularly “disinfect”.
The answer to the question is a little more complicated. There are many shades of gray between black and white.
To answer the question I have to go back to the controversy that took place in the 19th century between Louis Pasteur and Antoine Béchamp reigned supreme.
I've read about it before written. Pasteur explained that all pathogens will be eradicated would have to, because only in this way could people or animals be healed. Bechamp however, argued that disease can only occur when the Conditions become favorable for the pathogen.
The truth is more in that Center. If there is a flood somewhere, for example in India, can suddenly typhus or cholera break out. Not that these diseases then occur suddenly. The pathogens are present in the environment and take hold their chance because the conditions become more favorable to cause disease to be able to
If an illness occurred, Pasteur is more likely right that you intervene to stop an epidemic to be one step ahead. Then it is usually not possible to solve the problems to be solved solely by sanitary measures.
Put simply, you could so say that diseases can develop in our pigeons when conditions become favorable for pathogens.
In (pigeon) medicine there was always had the tendency to believe in the direction of Pasteur. pigeon doctors traditionally prescribe preventive and curative antibiotics. The Pigeon fanciers have become so accustomed to it that it is generally considered the way is accepted, which one should primarily go to. However, breeders often do not want to give too much and I know from experience that breeders start with half Experiment with doses or short cycles. On top of that, not all pathogens are killed and the stronger ones remain. To this So there is a high risk of resistance lurking. But not only this Problem plays a role in today's pigeon sport, pigeons are also often carriers various infections, which they can often control to some extent.
However, becomes a certain parasite or an infection cured, other insensitive microbes can have their chance perceive and multiply. After about two weeks the pigeons follow initial improvement bad again, so breeders back to it need to resort to medication.
However, every time If medication is taken, the microbiome in the intestine also suffers. A Balanced microbiome can control many pathogens that live in the gut land. The disruption of this microbiome causes the pigeons require medication on a regular basis. This realization convinces the breeders that it is not possible without medication.
I like to compare that to the vaccinations that we have done in recent years. Always more Publications mention that these vaccinations immediately after ingestion have to be repeated in order to be reasonably protected from infection to be. The immune system can then, so to speak, no longer rely on the support refrain from vaccinations. (I do not want to go into this topic here).
I came to that 40 years ago belief that with this frequent antibiotic treatment we might be in went the wrong direction. I then started making preparations provide that support the microbiome, so that your own defenses of the deaf can be supported and strengthened. This allowed the pigeons cope with much more infection pressure than with a regular administration of antibiotics.
However, it turned out that it was not possible to completely stop the administration of antibiotics immediately. Often the gut was so disrupted that it took a long time for the microbiome to grow in the gut was restored. Breeders have often told me that this is not the case would work adequately and that therefore it would not work without antibiotics is possible.
As soon as someone comes to me and says he or she also wants to work naturally, I say, that this is fundamentally possible. But it would be better after the season to come back, as it is usually not possible, often years of destruction with a few weeks of natural support adequate to restore.
The heart of the matter
It is important that the breeders who have not wanted to administer medication for years, and often since Playing top for years, developing such a strong microbiome in their pigeons could that these pigeons much less sensitive to a higher infection pressure react.
From the outside, two pigeons “even” appearance, but a pigeon can have a very high immune status have and the other pigeon a pathetic. The latter can then quickly again showing signs of illness and being medicated by the breeder become. The other fancier can be satisfied with bringing his pigeon with him to support natural means that optimize the body's defences. If the Pigeon fancier where the pigeons have a good immune system, good pigeons too has, it can happen that this breeder is called a liar as soon as he says he doesn't use any medication.
However, the fact is that both breeders have a completely different approach to the have healthcare. Pasteur's supporters decide for antibiotics and the supporters of Béchamp opt for that to optimize the inner environment of the pigeon.
In any case, there are enough veterinarians who only do pigeons check for trichomonads, coccidiosis and worms and then contact the breeder calm down with the words that everything is fine. Albeit an examination of the airways carried out, and that is also okay, that would be a lot better statement. But in the respiratory tract there is hardly any search for mucus, fungi, Inflammatory cells etc. wanted. A missed opportunity and it's so easy implement. A must for any grower dealing with underwhelming performance struggles. Then it's Russian roulette when you blind kurt.
I tend towards the latter. But since 2014, a problem has increasingly emerged that has led to Medications are administered more often than I would like: “In any case, there are enough veterinarians who only do pigeons check for trichomonads, coccidiosis and worms and then contact the breeder calm down with the words that everything is fine. Albeit an examination of the airways carried out, and that is also okay, that would be a lot better statement. But in the respiratory tract there is hardly any search for mucus, fungi, Inflammatory cells etc. wanted. A missed opportunity and it's so easy implement. A must for any grower dealing with underwhelming performance struggles. Then it's Russian roulette when you blind kurt.”. This bacterium is a bacterium associated with regular administration of antibiotics senses its chance and begins to manifest itself. This Bacterium is multiply resistant to many of those used in pigeon racing antibiotics. For years, this problem went unrecognized because it affected both Breeders as well as pigeon fanciers used Baytril® as soon as Pigeons stayed away or came too late. May this be the right remedy for years to come have been against the problems. Unfortunately, since 2014, we've been seeing one getting bigger developing resistance to this drug, which can sometimes be so bad that this bacterium is more likely to be cultured. So to speak, as a result of looking at this means there. Practice shows this regularly.
About drinking water vessels and dirty ones Soaking in cabin expresses can spread this bacterium quickly and spread over a large area. Often with the result that even entire travel associations are affected. Only when the polluter is under control is brought, the problems subside again.
In practice
What does practice teach? Breeder, where the pigeons have a good and strong microbiome often react a lot less sensitive to this bacterium because of the power of their microbiome Bacteria can then better control. With high infection rates of the drinkers and in cold and wet weather these growers can do this too fall victim to potentially pathogenic, matrix-forming bacteria. Matrix is a layer of mucus with which this bacterium can better assert itself, once it gets a foothold. As a result, bays are often over-infected a longer period with this germ.
What I tried here To clarify, is that the regular administration of antibiotics is a Option is to get a good price percentage but that in the long run the toll is taken that the microbiome is weakened, so you can't can no longer do without this drug.
Improvement of the microbiome
At the other end of the spectrum stand out those breeders who have made every effort to improve the microbiome of their Improve pigeons so that these pigeons are able to deal with infections cope better and much longer without medication.
A fly in the ointment in this one History is that the Pestkop, due to years of use by Antibiotics seem to play an increasingly important role. the experience shows that breeders with pigeons that have a good microbiome also have less seem to be sensitive to this germ.
The practical experience seems to show that the regular administration of the natural remedy Usneanoplus makes it difficult for the polluter to stay in the intestine. It is still too early to say definitively on this effect, but it seems that this Means a good preventive effect in terms of reducing the pressure of infection have this germ could.
I hope I was able to clarify a bit that it's not a black and white story. But that there are many shades of gray between the extremes.
Good luck!