In JULY 2023 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp… –

In JULY 2023 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

Much has already been written about it. From me too. And happily, there is a growing consensus that it is better to Way to stuff pigeons with medicines, to leave. But here, too, that we should not throw the baby out with the bath water. medication can when used wisely and intelligently, a lot of problems prevent during the flight season. But that is the question for many: What should I take?

Pigeon racing is a nice hobby. But nobody wants stand around and stare at the sky. So when push comes to shove we are all too quick to seek help from the medicine cabinet. That must not be wrong as long as we know what the right remedy is.

And that's where the crux lies. Go for many years I already this way. And often I find that “hearsay”that means this or that, at this or that person, had helped well and she therefore did it with her own pigeons used. Unfortunately often without the desired success. When the need is great and the desire for prizes is large enough, too “the other Middle”, which helped the other breeder at the time.

If it then goes to the vet, the infection is so far advanced that not only the airways are affected, but also the basic resistance of the pigeons a heavy blow has suffered.

If the vet's remedy doesn't help quickly, once again confirms the prejudice: veterinarians can't do anything either do.

Of course, that's not always the case. Fortunately not. There are many pigeon fanciers who really know what they are doing. And for this one I write my newsletter to pigeon breeders year after year in the hope that our clinic and I contribute to this above all fun hobby can afford.

I wrote above that the insight is growing that a more natural approach essential to improving the basic health of pigeons can contribute.

But what is this natural approach? In the first place is that a good feeding, which of course seems to be an open gate.

But if we are to believe the statement that “a pigeon can get everything out of its feed”, then it must be in too. Good feed is therefore important as a basis. We could whole Write newsletters about it and there would probably be many questions remain unanswered. Here in this post I would like to assume that we feed well. Should we assume that this is the end of the road is? That the performance will come by itself anyway?

I believe that pigeon racing is top-level sport. And we no longer live in those days times when it comes to top-level human sport.

The pigeons are different and the differences between them are not as big as they were years ago. The flights are, of exceptions apart from that, not open much longer. It's all about the little things now.


Yes, a small blemish is then enough to deviate from the prices fly.

It's short-term politics, then over and over again resorting to medication more often to get rid of those little blemishes. Yes sure, performance will return in some cases. Maybe not like that well, we hope, but still. If we leave it at that and continue on hoping and trusting a miracle, we could end up with a nasty surprise experience. Nothing works anymore, nothing wants to work anymore. “This Drugs don't work (anymore)” or “don't have something stronger” are common exclamations in practice. Sure, it can be a long time last, especially until the worst happens. But if I share my experiences of the last 20 years, it is a fixed pattern.

“Sch…”, I hear some of you thinking now “hasn't this one and that one played at the top for years?” Sure, but I think that's where the difference lies.

Because how often do I hear the remark that this and that “herumalbern” because they can't play like that. I know many of “this and that” quite well and know that they do not fooling around I know you “es” have in their fingers and theirs know pigeons.

They have the feeling for it and know their pigeons. She see that something is there or know that something can come and act preventive. They don't just act when there's a fire.

These breeders also use medication. But their commitment of medication can be described as preventive. your medicine tries prevent disease outbreaks. How else can it be that it there are some strong breeders who, to give an example, only one Use airway mixture such as Powder 18 or Powder 26. And that since years without performance deterioration. These breeders have to not resort to all sorts of other medications. You can easily hold.

But they do “certain extras”. This extra is to act pre-emptively to ensure that the resilience of the pigeons is as high as possible. You take care of Regularity, for good feed and that there are no bottlenecks can.

Bottlenecks can have catastrophic consequences.

The chain is as strong as its weakest link.

The proverb “a chain is as strong as you weakest link” certainly applies to the pigeon sport. We can give so much good. If there is a shortage or a relative lack of an essential nutrient, vitamin, mineral, trace element or a other element, cracks appear in the structure that we call defenses. Then bacteria and viruses, protozoa and/or worms or chlamydia begin to all of which may be present without significantly affecting the animal will develop their harmful effects. And exactly then, exactly when that happens, the need for certain vitamins, trace elements is still higher because the body enters the alert phase. If that during the Flying season happens where there is some stress on the birds (Widowhood, small young animals, the races and so on), then can exactly these infections unfold their harmful effect much more strongly and further undermine the resilience of the pigeons. The administration of medication may then be necessary. But it's totally inadequate when you put it leave it at that.

We've been adding some of our medications for years Added vitamins and trace elements. Not just for fun. No of course not!

Drugs are also substances that the body breaks down must. There are also substances that the body does not want. They have to be dismantled become. And to break down these often complicated chemical substances are often additional nutrients needed. So if only drugs are given, will fights the infection, but the body has little or no chance to recover. Eventually, the infection was diminished by the resistance caused. And the reduced resistance could in turn be caused by the lack of important nutrients. So closes the circle. Due to the remaining shortage reserve, if no additional Measures are taken to replenish these reserves, these or other infections return and the whole thing starts all over again. Often only a degree worse. Only when the pigeons are then rested, they can recover after a course of medication without additional measures. Only…. have we don't have time to let them rest with their travel plans ? Both This is still possible for long-distance pigeons. But with the long-distance pigeons the stress factor and the infection pressure for the pigeons are a little lower again. Therefore it makes sense, especially for program pigeons, the necessary medication accompanied by additional supporting measures.

preventive measures.

But it is better to act in such a way that the pigeons' resistance is at a level that minimizes the likelihood of infection. That the risk of deficiency symptoms that contribute to reduced resistance cannot occur. In short: act preventively.

And prevention starts with mating. It must be ensured that the pigeons have sufficient resilience when they need to lay eggs. This prevents the young animals from being exposed to excessive infection pressure at a very early stage. And no, that doesn't mean stuffing the pigeons with drugs. After all, the young animals have to come into contact with all sorts of diseases in order to develop their defences. But all for “to” standing is not good. If the young animals are exposed to too much infection pressure, their ability to react is too advanced and they do not grow as well as their immune system. In short, the youngsters become more susceptible to all kinds of infections, such as those we all know “Adenocoli-Komplex”. …… “And when you have it, you have to control it”, I hear the pigeon fanciers say. Yes, and then we have to “wipe with the tap open” again and the circle closes. Once the adenococcal infection is over, breathing problems soon follow. Finally, the reserves took the infamous hit again. The performance drops and we are back at the beginning. Therefore: act preventively naturally.

preventive measures.

In recent years I have worked intensively with the Opportunities employed to increase the resistance of the pigeons as high as possible to maintain and thus the use of medicines as far as possible to reduce. For this purpose we have developed a number of products in the clinic, such as Bony-SGR, which many growers get the results we want brought. Namely pigeons, which have a higher resistance. Now is one higher resilience not synonymous with a large number of prizes, but the basis has been laid and from here you can start building the “Form” work. And as we all know, a dove is with shape, provided they don't “Donkey” is able to fly prizes.

So what's the moral of the story?

1. When breeding, make sure that you Pigeons provide enough resistance to give the youngsters a better start have.

2. Limit the use of medication to what is necessary in strategic moments.

3. Make sure that after administering the medication, the Reserves can be replenished.

4. Support the pigeons as much as possible so that they build up optimal resilience.

5. Ensure regularity during the flying season and work to a fixed schedule.

6. Try to avoid stress as much as possible.

7. Have the pigeons work on their shape possibly with additional support.

8. And enjoy the prizes you've been waiting for.

Good luck!

Boskamp at research1
Peter Boskamp

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