BEYERS Futterplan – the moult 2024… –

BEYERS Futterplan – the moult 2024…

The BEYERS. has feeding plans with theBEYERS-Mixes andBEYERS CONDITION & CARE-Products made available for you.

Please note that you are only provided with a feeding plangeneral recommendations and guidelines be handed over.

When it comes to proper feeding, the most important thing is therequirement of the pigeons. This need mainly depends on theLoad of the animals. The load on the pigeons can be increasedinternal or external circumstances change anytime.

There are internal or individual circumstances that the pigeon enthusiast can determine or influence, and external circumstances over which he has little or no control but which he must nevertheless take into account.

Therefore, the pigeon friend must also adapt the feeding to these changing internal or external circumstances.

Internal or individual circumstancesthat the pigeon lover can determine or influence himself, are z. B .:

  • at which distances excellent results should be achieved and which are more likely to be preparatory flights;
  • one's own attitude towards all-round mixtures or the use of several (phase) mixtures when feeding;
  • own attitude to feeding systems: a (full) communal feeder bowl or individual bowls for each pigeon, feeding several times a day or only once a day;
  • darkening and / or additional exposure of the pigeons;
  • the chosen game system for the youngsters (use of the sliding door, use of old hens/pigeons in the youngster loft, let them come back to the nest) compared to the chosen game system for old pigeons (total widowhood – classic widowhood with pigeons or hens – Nestspiel);
  • the number of flights and rest periods;
  • your own attitude to the administration of additional energy-rich seeds or mixtures, e.g. B. Snack mixture, hemp seeds, shelled sunflower seeds, peanuts …
  • the attitude towards giving supplements in the different seasons;
  • the combination of pigeon racing & job …

External circumstances
over which the pigeon fancier has little or no influence are for example:

  • the different seasons;
  • specific times within specific seasons, e.g. B. in breeding: from (pre-)mating to incubation and oviposition to weaning of the young;
  • the (expected) weather conditions (temperature, wind direction and wind strength, etc.);
  • the (expected) number of nights in the basket.

So the question must always be: Which feeding plan suits me, my pigeons, my system and my goals best? When you think about it carefully and make connections between causes, solutions and consequences, it becomes easier to adapt feeding to ever-changing circumstances.

If you would like more information or additional explanations tailored to your individual situation, please feel free to contact us