KLAUS STEINBRINK – A fabulous year… – Brieftauben-Markt.de

KLAUS STEINBRINK – A fabulous year…

Every time you talk to Klaus about pigeons or see him interacting with the pigeons, your motivation for pigeon racing increases. Every fiber of the “White Shark” from Wallenhorst seems to be passionate about the sport. Klaus is a tough competitor to beat in Regional Association 256, but at the same time he is also a passionate animal lover. For him, racing pigeon racing is at the highest level 365 days a year, because the breeding pigeons are mated with the racing pigeons at the end of November and the race for the next season begins.

How did the season go and who were the top performers?

“The travel year was really great for me. “I’m extremely satisfied,” Klaus replies when asked about his review of 2023. The proven lines around the “Blue Mauritius” and the “Crack 75” produce new AS pigeons every year. This year they even made it to the national level of the Westphalia Championship. The yearling hen “59” becomes the fifth best yearling hen in Westphalia – in total she completed 13/13 flights with 1146 AS points, including 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 4th, 4th and 5th prizes.

But anyone who knows Klaus knows that this pigeon is no coincidence, because both the “19-86W” and the “20-537 V” achieved full prices this year. Given the sometimes changing winds and the demanding flights, one can only take one's hat off to the performance of these animals.

How do you care for your pigeons?

In terms of supply, nothing has changed in Wallenhorst. If you ask Klaus about the secret of his supply, he answers: “My mixture of lightning form and UsneGano”. This is administered twice weekly and ensures optimal health and top shape. At the weekend the pigeons receive the last three drinks of RO 200 ready over the water, together with Elektrolyt3Plus. The day after the flight, Klaus rebuilds his feathered racers by giving them four meals of K+K Protein 3000 along with Entrobac. This ensures rapid muscle recovery after the flight and excellent intestinal health.

What advice would you give to beginners in pigeon racing?

Klaus advises beginners to find a mentor as quickly as possible with a proven system who can bring their pigeons home safely, even on difficult flights. When the right system meets good pigeons in an appropriate loft, success is inevitable.

What goals do you have for 2024?

“My goals for 2024 are to shine in the regional association. The top places at the federal level also require a bit of luck. This can’t be planned!”

Contact Info

phone: +49 5407 9614
mail: k.p.steinbrink@kabelmail.de