Mifuma – Top Jungtaube…

In order to feed young pigeons properly and, above all, to protect them from illness, they must be provided with all the important nutrients. Mifuma Top Young Pigeon is our food specially designed for the young pigeons in the growth phase and during the young pigeon journey. The optimal protein supply has been proven to improve the immune status of pigeons. The formation of antibodies in the blood is promoted and the development of the immune system is positively influenced. The turmeric and milk thistle contained in the power peas continue to have a positive effect on the liver, and they also offer a readily available and easily digestible protein source. These characteristics make top youngsters important in theRacing pigeon feeding before and after vaccinations. The small-grain mixture is therefore suitable for use from the first flight attempt to the last prize flight.

  • Use breeding + moulting premium or special class until the 42nd day of life.
  • If you want the pigeons to fly more, switch to Mifuma Fitness.
  • Then feed the top young pigeon

Our tip: Further, interesting information on protein feeding of young pigeons can be found in the study by Y. Mabuchi and T. L. Frankel “Influence of protein-rich feeding on the immune system of racing pigeons”.

Special properties

  • Specially designed for young pigeons
  • Optimal protein content has been proven to improve immune status
  • Good available and easily digestible source of protein from power peas
  • 25 kg pro Sack


Pearl corn, wheat, power peas, dari, oat kernels, milo, top corn, toasted soybeans, green peas, corn, malting barley, paddy rice, hemp seed, sunflower seeds, milk thistle seeds, maple peas, cardi, linseed, rapeseed, millet

Value-determining ingredients

Energy13,3 MJ ME
crude protein14,5 %
Rohfett8,3 %
Lysine0,60 %
Methionin + Cystin0,50 %


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