MIFUMA – Changing food on long flights…

The crucial flights are coming up. In German racing pigeon racing these are flights of 400 km to 600 km. Now the championships will also be decided. If you want to be at the forefront, you have to have your pigeons in top shape. Our product manager Taube Robert Maaß gives tips on how to handle long distances:

MIFUMA product manager Taube Robert Maaß

Rest periods

The pigeons' condition was built up before the season. Now it's more important to give the pigeons enough time to recover. A balanced training plan that takes into account both rest and stress phases is essential. For this reason, I let my pigeons train in a relaxed manner at the beginning of the week - without any pressure. The excursions are now closed at the weekend and the pigeons stay in the loft or aviary for two days before they are released. Here you can treat yourself to a bath the day before the insertion.


Now the pigeons need enough energy. In addition to the high-energy mixtures, such asEnergy orElite Racing, you can also have your pigeonspeeled sunflower seedsor give peanuts. But energy oil from Röhnfried is also very suitable for giving the pigeons an additional boost of energy in the second half of the week. You can also use the conditioning powder RO 200 ready to dry the food.

Time for peak performance

Through the combination of optimal rest, balanced nutrition and targeted training, the pigeons can achieve their highest performance and the chances of a successful championship increase.

You can find an overview of all our carrier pigeon food in our variety program or that Product overview.

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