For the young pigeon flights 2024 – electrolyte 3Plus…

  • Electrolyte 3Plus is an excellent combination of electrolytes that ensures rapid normalization of body fluids when moisture is lost. Electrolyte 3Plus should always be administered after major exertion
  • It is water-soluble and is administered with the drinking water during moulting and breeding, as well as after races to compensate for electrolyte loss, in the event of poisoning, diarrhea, and after antibiotics
  • Electrolyte 3Plus ensures a balanced water balance in all tissues and organs and significantly shortens the recovery phase. The magnesium and potassium it contains are important for muscle and heart function
  • Recommended use: 10 g to 1 l of water (1 measuring spoon) This supplementary feed may only be fed to racing pigeons with up to 10% of the total ration due to its higher copper content than complete feed
  • Electrolyte 3 Plus: water balance, muscle function, quick energy
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