Successful through the moult – by Robert Maass…

Moulting in our racing pigeons is a completely natural process. As soon as the days get shorter again, the moulting period begins. The prerequisite for a good feather change is that the pigeons are healthy. The healthier a pigeon is, the better the new feathers can develop. We all know that the moult is an important period in racing pigeon racing. It is not for nothing that it is said: “The prices for the next season are determined during the moulting period.” There is certainly something to that, after all the pigeons will compete in the races next season with the feathers they are now developing.

Pigeons moult all year round. We pigeon fanciers like to see down feathers on the perch shelf during the morning travel time. It is a sign of health and good shape in our feathered favorites. The main moult occurs after the cruising season in August and September and can last until December. The moult is only completed after the 10th primaries grow out. Exposed young pigeons in particular begin their main moult later. The pigeons need enough rest after the racing season so that the moult can go smoothly.

1. Calm

The moulting period and thus the development of the new plumage costs the pigeons a lot of energy. That's why it's important to give the pigeons some rest after the racing season. I recommend letting the racing pigeons breed again after the season and raising a maximum of one young animal. This means that the pigeons, which were kept according to the widowhood system all year round, return to a normal rhythm. The pigeons are then separated again by gender and given free flight without any pressure. So you can do whatever you want. This means they are not stressed and can save their energy for the demanding moult. It also doesn't hurt to leave the pigeons completely in the loft or aviary during the moult. Here they are protected from attacks by birds of prey and are not exposed to any additional stress.

2. The right care

Care is a very crucial point for a good moulting process. In order for the new feathers to develop properly, the pigeons now need a high proportion of sulfur-containing amino acids such as methionine and cystine, which they produce, among other things. in our moulting mixturesMauser Fit and Mauser Vital find. Soy in particular should not be missing from the moulting mixtures, as it contains a high proportion of methionine and cystine.

Since the energy requirement during the feather change period is very high, pigeons should be offered mixtures with a proportion of fatty components. Hemp, but also other oil-containing seeds, are ideal here. In particularBreeding + moulting special class, with its particularly high hemp content of 10%, but also mixtures likeBreeding + moulting classic andBreeding + Moulting Premium are ideal for this.

Since the health of the pigeon, as already mentioned at the beginning, is the basic prerequisite for a smooth moulting process, the mixtures with the fully vitaminized mixture are suitableVital andFull power pearl great for supporting the pigeons' immune system.

A daily supply of minerals in the form of freshGrit andVital-Power-Stein additionally supports the positive moulting process.

3. Baden

During the moulting period my pigeons are given a bath at least twice a week. If you have the opportunity, you can offer your pigeons a bath more often; it promotes the good moulting process enormously. As a bath additive, my pigeons receive bath salts from Röhnfried, which protect the pigeons against mites, feather insects and other parasites. The result is silky-soft plumage with elastic and stable feathers. Old skin particles, down and scales are loosened and the skin becomes supple.

The moulting period is an important period in pigeon racing. That's why we as breeders should do everything we can to ensure that our feathered favorites go through the moulting period well and smoothly. Now the course is being set for the coming season.

Robert Maass – Product Manager MIFUMA


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