TOP results 2024…
Stolorz, Norbert – Herne
07.09.2024 Höchstadt (328 km) RV 641 young pigeons
1-4-8-15-16-18-22-24-25-26-27 etc. (52/70)
07.09.2024 Höchstadt (328 km) FG 1,688 young pigeons
1-8-14-22-23-25-31-34-35-36-37 etc. (52/70)
07.09.2024 Höchstadt (328 km) RegV. 2,518 young pigeons
1-19-26-38-39-42-53-56-57-58-59 etc. (52/70)
Faber, Roland & Denis – Hamburg
07.09.2024 Stargard (343 km) RV 280 young pigeons
1-1-3-4-5-6-6-6-9-9-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-23-24-24-24- 27-28-29-29 etc. (73/112)
07.09.2024 Stargard (343 km) FG1,011 young pigeons
1-1-3-4-13-14-14-14-17-17-19-20-21-22-23-29-30-31-33-34-35-44-45-45-45- 55-56-57-57-59-69-75-76-78-87-88-96 etc. (80/112)
Team Schlueter – Recklinghausen
07.09.2024 Bamberg (310 km) RV 424 young pigeons
1-6-7-8-11-12-16-17-18-19-21-23-28-32 etc. (21/43)
Brinker, Wolfgang - Vechta-Spreda
07.09.2024 Lüdenscheid (183 km) RV182 young pigeons
1. bis 36. Preis !!!!!! (46/54)
Jan van der Putten, Trade
07-09-2024 Laon 267 km Combined 266 Jungtauben
1-3-6-7-9-11-13-17-19-24-28-34-36-46-47-51-52-53-56-66-75-76 (22/40)
SIf you have also achieved top results and are interested in publishing, please send an email to