Röhnfried bath salt – during moulting…

Bath salts are recommended at all times of the year and especially during moulting. Dust, skin residues and dandruff, bad feathers and down are loosened and loosened and in this way the change of feathers is promoted and the skin is cared for. This gives the pigeons shiny, silky feathers and also counteracts mites, feathered insects and other parasites.

  • Röhnfried bath salt is recommended in all seasons and especially during moulting.
  • Dust, skin residues and dandruff, bad feathers and down are loosened and loosened and in this way the change of feathers is promoted and the skin is cared for.
  • This gives the pigeons shiny, silky feathers and also counteracts mites, feathered insects and other parasites.
  • Recommended use: 15g bath salts per 10 liters of water twice a week.
  • Bath salts: insect repellent, feather care, skin care

Use biocidal products carefully. Always read label and product information before use. Misuse can cause damage to health.

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