Robert Maaß particularly likes to use the Röhnfried mineral drink and UsneGano for his pigeons. Mineral drink provides the breeding and young pigeons with valuable minerals in times of increased need, such as before laying eggs and while raising the young animals. The valuable trace elements copper, manganese and zinc also ensure important metabolic processes in the pigeons' organism.

UsneGano contains oils from oregano, thyme and cinnamon bark. The importance of the natural components of this unique combination is known from the literature. The pigeons fed UsneGano have solid droppings and bright white noses shortly after feeding.

The risk of infection in drinking water can be reduced by regulating the pH value of the drinking water with the short-chain acids it contains. It also contains minerals, trace elements and herbal extracts. This mixture and in combination with the acids has a positive effect on the efficiency of the metabolism.…(click)

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