MIFUMA – Annual mix…

Our classic annual mixture is particularly suitable as basic feed for racing pigeons during travel, breeding and moulting. The added corn provides easily digestible carbohydrates and therefore quickly available energy.

If you feed your pigeons the annual mixture in combination with our protein power, this food can be wonderfully refined. By adding the full strength pearl (in breeding and moulting) and active pearl (in travel) you can get this inexpensiveCarrier pigeon food sensibly supplement and optimize. This means you have an optimal mix available when the pigeons are played in the nest condition on the first flights.

mifuma-carrier pigeon food-logo-power-pea-yellow

Special properties

  • Basic mix for travel, moulting and breeding
  • Improve breeding and moulting with Vollkraft Pearl
  • Upgrade your journey with the Active Pearl
  • Refining through protein power
  • Cheap carrier pigeon food
  • 25 kg pro Sack


Wheat, corn, green peas, power peas, yellow peas, milo, pearl corn, dari, malting barley, red corn, sunflower seeds, cardi, vetch, linseed, millet, rapeseed

Value-determining ingredients

Energy12,6 MJ ME
crude protein15,0 %
Rohfett4,5 %
Lysine0,7 %
Methionin + Cystin0,5 %

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