In August 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Young pigeon problems (2)
A number of responses provided the article on Juntaubenprobleme from last month. These varied from very positive to very negative. I assign the latter mainly because that the newsletter on the preventive approach was directed. When many breeders this had totally no benefit more in the moment, because the damage was already suffered. Many breeders were reporting large losses at the Juntauben. But there was also a breeder who just rubbish found the preventive procedure. Simply antibiotics just throw when it erupts, un then see how far we get his point of view was more or less. To act preventively, he found only failure…..
I regret such an argument. Because as we all notice can have it seems then that this problem is increasing every year. I think we must just collectively try to keep as low as possible the infection pressure when the youngsters by means of preventive procedures. Yes lie the frustrations about the losses as you increase now in many places. All in all there were enough reasons to explain a couple of reactions and questions in a Folgenewsletter.
I can imagine some negative reactions from breeder Yes. If you are sitting in the middle of the problems with the young pigeon disease and then reads in the newsletter that preventive measures are important to the damage limit is bitter. Dan reads better that there are drugs that can solve the problems in the blink of an eye. Problems is also still with a spa with good medication and the required support a to limit the damage. But just like the flu in the human body takes on yet again time to the condition then to build. The services are usually also less well than without all durchstandener plight of young pigeon disease.
I am writing in the paragraph about that there are drugs that can help in the event of an outbreak of the young pigeon disease. However, the situation in which a law has become krachtens Netherlands that sharply restricts the ability of veterinarians to select for certain antibiotics in dairy and meat cattle is now in succession. Talk of first, second and third choice is now also out of agriculture. Antibiotics belonging to the second choice is for example amoxicillin with clavulanic acid. And a medium that has become the third choice, is better known as Baytril enrofloxacin. Vets expects agents such as Trimsulfa prefers to treat diseases with first choice. Only when the need for the use of a second choice agent has expelled a bacteriological examination and a resistance test (Antibiogram) this should be used. Prescribing by third choice means such as Baytril should be done after waiting with great reluctance. For veterinarians that will make bacteriological investigations also rather need as a non-binding nature to be able to prove that he or she complies the law works. Practically delivers one or other problems. The practice has taught us that the best effect in the treatment of sekundäire infection in young pigeon disease has not always the same way. It happens that Trimsulfa (first choice Central) shows no effect, for example. Then another remedy may be prescribed. However, we have the problem that the young pigeon disease occurs just before or during the beginning of the Jungtaubensaison. Waiting for a result of bacteriology, to catch another therapy, is the last thing then want a breeder with problems.
As a result of the legislation we have decided this year then also to put a kind of database for the first time by means of bacteriological examination of resources that show the best effect at a certain moment. Daily practice will have to show whether this can give a picture of the sensitivity of the found (usually E. coli-) bacteria in the diseased birds. I hope in this way but quickly and adequately intervene as soon as there is talk of an outbreak without having a whole young pigeon population is the victim and his season there are looks of concerned breeders.
After reading of the excess must be clear that there are several reasons why a preventive procedure of the young pigeon problem is becoming increasingly important. We will have to do it together.
An another breeder was quite sure. If the disease breaks out he just stop and he again plays the pigeons at the vet. That a good commercial way is seen in medisch. When I meet a breeder who is hit by a severe herpes infection I advise also to the pigeons to heal and to play again at the vet. In case the disease is weathered and the risk of losses in these boys much lower. You want to but want to force and play the pigeons then the risk is great that many youngsters behind although they were kugelrung basket. Many pigeons who endure this infection show no symptoms but a who break them in the baskets coming through the stressful situation.
Where the set dealer wants to restrict the use of antibiotics for the protection of public health, will be clear that preventive treatments with antibiotics, is not foreign to the pigeon sport, sometime considered a sin. Veterinarians will be addressed on their responsibility and will have to show that the use of certain funds was necessary. That has inevitable influence on the use of certain drugs must be clear. Often the talk of lack of understanding among breeders is already trying to explain a thing or two. The angry reactions are not uncommon. My assistants have to pay often when they try to explain it is as if indignation in the game.
Again, a different breeder wondered why the youngsters within died several hours if they were infected. Well, dying is mainly to have the blood poisoning that occurs in the result of infection. At the moment that it signaled that the boys are sick, it is almost too late in some cases. This is also the change in the image we see. Earlier, in the young pigeon disease deaths were not as varied as how they occur these days seem to. Also asked why it seems this breeder alsob have the older youngsters of less problems with it.
I already more or less covered the answer to this question in the last article. The development of the immune system of pigeons takes time. The youngsters go through various child diseases, often without any clinical signs. The more the Defense organ continued to develop, the better was himself he will be against infections. also the sekundaire infections in viral infections such as the adenovirus. The group younger pigeons is often still not so far and will have to pay first for this. Start the infection pressure increase which will take place this coming the moment that even the not yet fully developed Abwerorgan of the older youngsters is not sufficient. Then these can be infested. The practice teaches us that these animals usually not ready fall back than their younger brethren.
Especially the adenovirus is strong season bound and stress factors play a role here. Darken the youngsters, training baskets, etc are all stress factors for these young pigeons. A blue blue sky with easterly wind is also not ideal for youngsters. Latently present viruses take their chance by the decrease of the defence due to stress and worry for the outbreak of the disease, which then spreads like a fire running through the training baskets. Doves a week nog good coming home a week later totally fail and remain massal behind. We have to try to learn as much as possible to control the stress factors. There are breeders who purchase the training baskets the pigeons early to learn that they are no reason to stress.
Another irritant factor is composed of different age groups. Often, the infection breaks out after that.
It has been also a question whether mold play a role in the young pigeon disease. I know that there are colleagues that many problems write to on the supposed presence of mold. Especially Candida albicans. In the nineties, I wrote already article about the possibility that symptoms of fatigue and loss of form can give this yeast. Research has proven that so often caused problems this yeast as one wants to make us believe. When will we see it? Frequenter (unnecessary) use of antibiotics. But even if the defense of the deaf due to other infections or anderwegs is weakened. At the moment that speaks a veterinarian of goiter mold and similar you can assume that's not so good is the defense of pigeons. Bony SGR where the G and R in Dutch the S for mold growth (Groei) reduction since the development was a yeast and mold a chance to give through among other things to increase the defense. But also a means such as lugol's has a mold killing ends effect due to the contained iodine. Lugol's is also a part of the Sambuccaplus.
Support of the defense is making blessed in all cases but can to a situation where the pigeons is still sufficiently respond to first choice use of appropriations. So we can contribute together to the use of second choice means what wishes the Government in the interest of public health, to restrict.
The use of Immunoproteine can also contribute to a limitation of the young pigeon diseases infection pressure. Also this use can be pushed back by antibiotics. Several manufacturers of supplements for pigeons have these special proteins in their product range. Bony Farma bring them on the market under the name of Jungtierfpulver. This kind of products all contain no antibiotics but proteins that bind to pathogens to which these are harmless.
Good luck
Peter Boskamp