Prevention is better than cure - Alfred Berger

Prevention is better than cure – by Alfred Berger

Prevention is better than cure – by Alfred Berger

As we know drinking is an ideal medium for pathogenic organisms and for this reason, it is the main transmission route for disease in pigeon farming there. Therefore a pH has prevailed over 10 years ago reduction of drinking water in the carrier pigeon supplies. The reduction to a pH value of 4.5 has to result, E.g. no cancer in the potions can proliferate and therefore the treatment of these scourges with medicines could be reduced to a minimum.

Traditional preparations for the drinking water on acidification unfold their effect in the potions and the anterior digestive system reliably and securely. An effect on the intestinal tract was initially not sufficiently possible because they are neutralized the stomach passage of special buffer substances. To achieve an effect until far in the small intestine, is to expand the possibility of the operation with the help of special fatty acids since this year. This mix of short - and medium-chain fatty acids work to the bacteria to fight against a traditionally pH lowering and innovatively in the intestine against heavy such as Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Clostridia.

The mechanism of action of new medium-chain fatty acids is simple but Very much effective. You are not neutralized by the buffer substances and unchanged from entering the small intestine area of pigeons. The pathogenic germs To want use fatty acids as an energy source and therefore record them in the Interior of the cell. Inside the cell, then an antibacterial impact the medium chain fatty acids and neutralise pathogenic germs. Thus the pathogens in the intestine are harmless and reducing the risk of new infection of the potions. Continue the positive gut flora is protected by the novel combination of acidity and optimizes nutrient intake.

As highly recommended the use of butyric acid has emerged as an addition to the short - and medium-chain fatty acids that butyric acid is a major nutrient source for the epithelial cells of the intestinal mucosa and makes it extremely useful for the diseases intestinal regeneration after emerging over.

These new combinations of acid are suitable for the prevention of which mimes balances so perfectly. To achieve the optimal efficacy of this combination it has proven in practice this for a long time in stress phases, such as for example the training phase of young animals, to apply.


Avitestin is a mixture of butyric acid and short as well as medium-chain fatty acids. It reduces the pH in drinking water, reducing so the risk of infection. The high-quality medium-chain fatty acids seem to far in the small intestine and support intestinal health, encouraging the growth of the body's probiotics. The contained butyric acid is active in the gut, strengthens the intestinal villi growth and thus leads to a higher immune response. Also, the acids keep longer fresh drinking water, in addition, they promote the metabolism of pigeons

Feeding recommendation: 5 ml to 1 l water
– Before and after exercise
– Young pigeons during the training day.

Tip: The pigeons to gradually get used to the taste.
Attention: Avitestin may not Avidress be administered plus. It can be administered safely but with UsneGano, Carni-speed and Entrobac.

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