Dominated girl power! Menne and daughters, Hamminkeln

Dominated girl power! Menne and daughters, Hamminkeln

Jahr für Jahr Topleistungen auf der großen Weitstrecke.

The services at distances of well over 1,000 km are unique.


Love for animals is in the foreground

В ранните години 1989/1990 хванахме доста приятно усещане при Friedhelm дойде с момичетата си to мястото на работа.

Am Anfang standen die Nachflieger

MAh pigeons are known to fly particularly well on demanding flights and especially in the night and twilight.


Second свикнали с летящ по здрач и тъмнина на mAh гълъби.
Here at Hamminkeln on the 1,000 to 1,200 km flights can succeed, you have real long distance pigeons.


Бяха обучени за поколения на тези полети to и избрани на гълъби mah.

Highlights des Schlages Menne und Töchter:
1st International Barcelona
1. international Perpignan
1. international Pau (Weibchenliste) Bergerac
1., 1. national Perpignan
1., 1. national Bordeaux
1 Primus Inter Pares Barcelona 2001-2005 international
1 Primus Inter Pares Barcelona 2000-2004 national
2nd, 2nd international Bordeaux
3. international Pau, etc.

Assertive pigeons at the base

This shock has the edge with the right Dove material. & Evert Jan Eijerkamp.
2001 won Menne and daughters with "Serena" (98-571) 1st international Perpignan, the parents of this Dove came on loan for a year to the breeding of the family Eijerkamp.


You bred "Susi" (04-980), which won the 1st international Barcelona against 25.287 pigeons from a son of "Serena" with a daughter "Armstrong" (1st international Perpignan 1999, Peter and Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp).
2002 г. с "Monti" (01-552) спечели 1-во национално и между провинциите 5 Монтобан. & Werner Kreuer and was a daughter of the "Pantani" (1 national and 4 inter provincial Bordeaux 1998).
in 2003 it won the 1st international Bergerac in Hamminkeln with "Carolina" (02-671) (blood management: son "Paula" x "De La Sou" daughter of co van Diyk).
The 'Bordeaux' (NL-97-732) by Herbert Groß, who in 2000 won the 1st national and 2nd inter provincial Bordeaux with him brought a further great upswing. & Evert-Jan Eijerkamp dazu geholt, darunter ein Sohn und eine Tochter des "Black Giant" (1. national Bergerac 1995), Blutführung Van Wanroy.
Bei Emiel Denys in Belgien erwarb Friedhelm Menne eine Tochter des "Diamant" (Blutführung Stichelbaut).
The bird "Barthalomäus" (08-103) was 1st national as Dove over three years (2011-2013) on Barcelona.
The female "Kessie" (11-70) won zone on Pau in zone III and won also the 15 price zone III of Marseille.



The attitude, the supply and quality of pigeons enable success.
Необходимата медицинска помощ се предоставя от д-р Нойман Aukthun. SL Schlömer, die im Herbst und Winter wöchentlich zum Einsatz kommen, eingesetzt. "Nonstop"-Mischung mit und ohne Mais von Vanrobaeys aus Belgien.

Pigeons dominate family life.

A good example of that of sportsmanship and honest friendship are key factors on the way to sustainable success in our beautiful hobby is the blow of Menne and daughters.
Rolf Schlömer for

Menne and daughters

Horster Weg 26

46499 Hamminkeln

Telefon (0 28 56) 440

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