Erfahrungen eines Taubenzüchters

cleanerNow we are already back in the racing season
and naturally we keep many hours on the pigeon loft
I told you before about the Cleanaer.
The Cleanaer is a device which binds the aggressive Dove dust
and thus protects from the dreaded pigeon holder lung.
In many conversations with breeders, I hear again and again the same
Complaints: They get Schlecht Luft, extreme coughing, heavily restricted
Lung volume, up to the task of the pigeon sport!

It must be but so!

I've helped many breeders with the Cleanaer, that this
above symptoms were in very strongly and they
again with pleasure and symptom-free pursue your hobby can.
Masks or even helmets a thing of the past.
The Cleanaer is certified by the British Association of Allergy and
also helps to hay fever and House mite allergy.
How it works: The contained liquid is charged electrostatically and as spray mist droplets (aerosols) every 2 minutes in the air. There they spread and join with suspended particles such as pigeon dust due to electrostatic charge. These now heavy particles just sink to the bottom and can easily “sucked off” or "wiped away" are. The foggy liquid is odorless.

More its you find under

or by phone at: 02041 / 7 82 90 65 or 0173 250 4510 Uwe Hoffmann

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