Ruhr area 14.06.2014-15.06.2014
A picture-perfect weather for the Ruhr area pigeons. Bankruptcy time under 15 minutes for 300 kilometers were the order of the day. The Favorites for the season 2014 played very high percentages to go home.
After last weekend, a short work day very accommodated the athletes.
At this point the current numbers of regional associations:
Regio 400 387 hits 6919 pigeons
Regio 401 253 hits 5326 pigeons
Regio 402 487 hits 10305 pigeons
Regio 403 212 blows 4237 pigeons
Regio 412 353 hits 7569 pigeons
1692 beats 34356 pigeons
Regional Association of 400
6919 pigeons 387 hits Wiesentheid
Regional winners Joksch M. th RV Oberhausen Central
2nd Prize Stephun, Bernd Zipper food
3rd Prize Fernades E. s SA RV Oberhausen Central
4. price Zabel daughter Kanz RV Duisburg-Neumühl
5. price Schmitz Gerbig Castle RV food
6 Schubert-Richard price RV Oberhausen Central
7 RV food Stoll-R.Napiontek B. price
8 RV food Stoll-R.Napiontek B. price
9 price Fernades E. s SA RV Oberhausen Central
10.Preis Joksch th. M RV Oberhausen Central
Regional Association of 401
5326 pigeons 253 hits key field (315 km)
Regional winners Schmelzer Hofmeister RV Recklinghausen Süd
Schmelzer Hoffmeister
2nd Prize Schmelzer Hofmeister RV Recklinghausen Süd
3. price Karolli / Bayer RV Herten
4. price Zaremba RV Recklinghausen Süd
5. price Karolli / Bayer RV Herten
Karthick Bayer
6th Prize SG Palmer Möller RV marl
7 price Gollan / Böcker RV Herten
8 price Balzk, Lothar RV Herten
9. price Witta Peter RV Recklinghausen Süd
10.Preis SG Palmer Möller RV marl
In the Regional Association of 402 no regional flight took place. It was played in the famous flying communities.
126 breeders from the Travel associations Aplerbeck, Scharnhorst, swords and Nordberg Bergkamen 2758 used pigeons to the race from Forchheim.
Victory Franz Keller took from S.Kuhn E.Vogler and Trapp/Mohr/Ligges all from the cruising Association Schwerte.
The Aviation community Dortmund West and marten, Lünen and Castrop-rauxel Bram Bauer brought 2074 used pigeons from 105 hits. It was started in the Bavarian Neumarkt.
Victory was both from the RV Castrop Rauxel RV Dortmund West on deer Broksch from the followed by Kuncl Heinz and Waheed Ortmann Kubski.
2491 pigeons from 121 shots were the RVen Unna hair strand, Red Earth Plettenberg for the race from Wiesentheid, Iserlohn and Menden came to mobilize.
Winner of the day Helmut Köster RV Plettenberg before the gêbr Menke from Menden which won the 3rd Prize.
Helmut Köster
The transport community of Lünen, dates, Waltrop and Selm put pigeons in 1963 to the race from Wiesentheid.
Winner of the day was the SG Bartsch / Hofmann who occupied also the 3rd place. The second place went to Friedel Eickhoff of the RV Waltrop.
Regional Association of 403
4237 pigeons 212 blows Höchstadt on the Aisch
Regional winner Udo Sondermann RV Wattenscheid
2nd Prize Hajj, w b M RV Bochum 05
3rd Prize Knurra Bernhard RV Bochum Nord
4. price SG Bungert/Fechner RV Wattenscheid
5. price Marx RV Herne tub
6 price Paszkowiak w r r T. RV Bochum 05
7 w r r T Paszkowiak price. RV Bochum 05
8 price Bäumer Lissner RV Witten
9 price Lembrink H.G.. RV Bochum 05
10.Preis Marx RV Herne tub
Also in the Regional Association of 412 no regional flight was launched.
The RVen lip-based RV Hamm and Möhnetal Warstein put pigeons out of 86 shots in the aviation community in 1899
for the race from Höchstadt.
Again, the top blow Köster/Piekenbrink won ahead of Udo Lenk and Uwe Kundrun, all from the Lippe Valley RV Hamm.
Hamm on the lip started in Wiesentheid 1443 pigeons from 70 beats. Girl power Karin Köhler won the victory.
From the Верле, 1288 met pigeons out of 64 shots. Here Alfons Krismann clinched the victory from Forchheim.
She put the most pigeons in the regional association of 412 Cruising Association Germania Werne 1590 pigeons from 68 strokes came together. Emil Schwick, no stranger, clinched the victory.
Emil Schwick houses 120 pigeons in his backyard and has won the RV Club Championship along with Pawel Grondei. ▪
Emil Schwick
Finally the aviation community of the Ruhr area winner 2014 of Hemau high Bracht / Sauerland. There 65 strokes put pigeons in 1349.
1st and 2nd bankruptcy went to Schmielarski and Reinhard Kramer won the 3rd bankruptcy, all high from the RV Bracht.
Ideas and images, please contact:
For you from the Ruhr area
Thomas Kambey dinner