34th Pigeon Olympiad Budapest-Hungary – 2015
The 34th Pigeon Olympiad will take place at Syma Event and Congress Centre.This Event will use 2 Halls.
In Hall "A" the Fair will be placed.
In Hall "C" the Olympic National Collections will be placed.
34th Pigeon Olympiad
Budapest-Hungary – 2015
Scheduled Program
14th January 2015, Wednesday
14: 00 – 19: 00 Arrival FCI judges
18: 00 – 21: 00 Receiving pigeons from those participants who are unable to deliver the pigeons on Thursday morning
18: 00 – 21: 00 Meeting of judges, decide group of judges (practice with pigeons if it is requested)
15th January 2015, Thursday
06: 00 – 12: 00 Receiving pigeons, registration
06: 00 – 18: 00 Arrival and accommodation of delegates in Hotel
12: 00 – 13: 00 Lunch for judges
13: 00 – 17: 00 Judgement of Standard category
17: 00 – 19: 00 Processing standard results
19: 30 – 24: 00 Welcome dinner for delegates and judges
16th January 2015, Friday
10: 00 – 10: 30 Official opening ceremony of 34th Olympiad
11: 00 – 15: 00 Tourist trip (visiting Castle district of Budapest) for delegates and partners
11: 00 – 14: 00 Official Reception and Lunch of the delegates, FCI representatives, VIP guests, sponsors organized by Governmental representatives
15: 00 – 18: 00 Training of judges
15: 00 – 18: 00 Veterinary Congress
15: 00 – 18: 00 FCI Sport and Grand Prix meeting
15: 00 – 18: 00 FCI Junior meeting
20: 00 – 23: 00 Prize giving dinner for World Championship and Grand Prix prizes. Presentation of gifts by the Delegates
17th January 2015, Saturday
10: 00 – 13: 00 FCI Congress
11: 00 – 17: 00 Tourist trip (visiting Parliament of Hungary) for delegates and partners
19: 00 – 04: 00 Gala Evening and prize giving ceremony of Olympic prizes
18th January 2015, Sunday
11: 30 – 13: 00 Farewell Lunch for Delegates and Judges
13: 00 – 14: 00 Returning pigeons