Derby ARONA SEA RACES: A Big announcement!

Derby ARONA SEA RACES: A Big announcement!

We are glad to announce our company appoints FREDOLSEN cruise lines to make six Derby Arona Sea races just in direction to the first Hot-Spot survival race!
The boat will reduce the speed in order to release the pigeons. Thanks to Fred Olsen Express!

3 Feb Sea Training Flight 13 Approx 6 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island
5 Feb Sea Training Flight 14 Approx 16 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island
7 Feb Sea Training Flight 15 Approx 25 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island
10 Feb Sea Training Flight 16 Approx 30 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island
12 Feb Sea Training Flight 17 Approx 40 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island
14 Feb Sea Training Flight 18 Approx 55 Km (Over Sea) + 60 Over Island


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