Familie Herbots – eine unendliche Erfolgsgeschichte...

There are many successful breeders and players in the international pigeon. No one is probably as well known and recognized as the family Herbots. Not only because of their professional, worldwide business of pigeon but in particular due to their exceptional breeding and travel achievements on their own and numerous other hits around the world.

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3 generations of Herbots - known worldwide and recognized...

The last were crowned decades of spectacular successes the last 2 years of travel were the best of all time in 2013 and 2014.

The highlights of the season of 2013:"Belgian Star" was 1 national AS pigeon of the KBDB on the medium-haul, "Magda" was 5th national AS pigeon KBDB middle distance at the year-old, "George" was 9 national AS pigeon KBDB large medium-range at the old pigeons!In the Belgian national team for Brno (Czech Republic) the Herbots team won the 1st and 2nd place in the category B (medium-range), the 1st and 2nd place category D (all-round), 2nd place category G (years old) and the 1st category H (youngsters). Provincial Championship KBDB Brabant, 6 x placed themselves among the first top-5 and took the title of the 1st provincial AS pigeon middle distance KBDB and 1 provincial AS pigeon large middle distance KBDB in the old pigeons!

Also back were females, which flew the great victories in the year 2014:

For example "CHRISTIANNE" B 13 - 2172001:
– 1st National Argenton against 4.651 pigeons
– 1.
MOMIGNIES 292 pigeons
– 1 Interprovincial Chateauroux against 1056 pigeons
All in 2014!

herbots christianne

In particular the this year's Olympiad in Budapest became a Festival of family Herbots. Not only that father Filip for "his outstanding achievements in the international pigeon sport' on the occasion of the 34th homing pigeons Olympics received a certificate of appreciation during a visit to the Budapest Parliament, but pigeons "Herbots blood" dominated the Olympic rankings. So, no less than 7 of the Belgian Olympic athletes from pigeons with Herbots blood were bred.

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Outstanding in the captive breeding of the best breeding bird, which was - sitting depending on the loft of Herbots "Yvan"?

herbots yvan klein

The father of the "YVAN" is the son of "Bliksem" by Vandenabeele. The mother was purchased from Kitai. She was a captive Dove of the not less famous "Nationaal 1".

"YVAN" won years 19 Awards with 6,800 km of price and was 4th National AS pigeon KBDB middle distance. In 2009, he flew 17 rates 5.940 price km and was 1st AS pigeon KBDB middle distance.

Here his exceptional services:
– 1. Provincial SALBRIS 2,281 pigeons (8 minutes in advance)

– 1st Provincial Orleans 3.132 pigeons

– 1. Provincial Toury 781 pigeons (fastest against 3.256 pigeons)

– 1. Melun 1,946 pigeons

– 1st Argenton 434 pigeons

– 1. Nanteuil 253 pigeons

– 1. Pithiviers 172 pigeons

– 1. Momignies 130 pigeons

He flew another 5 awards at the first 25 interprovincial. All prices are at a distance of 110km from 538km. No wonder that the offspring right does this exception flyer. So "FE", which flies the 1st National Argenton in 2014 against 4.651 pigeons is a granddaughter. She also wins the 1st from MOMIGNIES against 1.974 pigeons and the 1st interprovincial from Châteauroux against 1056 pigeons.

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Here the full impact gardens...

Two direct children of the "YVAN" Olympiad pigeons, a grandson's 4th National AS pigeon KBDB young pigeon Luc Van Mechelen. Another grandson child flies the 1st and 10th NPO of the gêbr bras in the Netherlands.

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Jo Herbots proudly shows the winner of the 1st National Argenton 2014 – “CHRISTIANNE

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Here the “Sanctuary” at Herbots - the stalls of the Ausnahmevererber. To reach this blow with a lift in the House.

Imagine all further Ausnahmevererber of the family Herbots, beyond any scope. Always looking for the best answer came of course in Germany. So the Herbots breeding loft 2012 hosts also the 1 AS bird of in Germany by Wolfgang Roeper. So alongside the Super bird called "BIG BOSS" was ballistic and 1 Olympic pigeon all-round also 1 Olympic pigeon on the Olympic Games in Nitra 2013.

herbots big boss

Successful homing pigeon sport and the name Herbots are called around the world in one breath - exception pigeons are the guarantee!

Family Herbots

Dungelstraat 37
3440 Halle Booienhoven – België

tel: 0032 11 78 91 95

email 1: Jo@herbots.be
email 2: miet@herbots.be

© www.brieftauben-markt.de

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