Shipping dates Derby Arona Tenerife 2015/2016 – Arona-TENERIFE 2016 WELCOME!

arona 2015

The race has become the most popular and at the same time the most difficult flights of Grandstand in the world. The race has a ten-year tradition. 220,000 euros and three cars on the HOT-SPOT flights are offered in full occupation. Many large and well-known hits from different countries are here every year in the competition. The presentation of this Derby is unique, each participating Dove is photographed and will be photos of the breeder on the Internet page with a released.

The race in the international focus is due to the great presentation. The winner of the final flight will be auctioned off later on PIPA.

Final flight 2015

The weather conditions were perfect this year, so that all visitors guests could spend a perfect weekend in Arona. Two days before the race use business could be followed via live stream worldwide. To do this, a camera directly from the stroke was installed. Also on the flight could you follow live over the Internet, the entire event.

Participation in a series of up to 5 pigeons. Of each series, a dove with 220 euro must be enabled when sending. The other pigeons are enabled only if the training flights in the winter months begin 2015/2016. Add the cost of the air transport come to Tenerife.

Delivery date is the 26th may 2015

Please register the pigeons in time when:

Rolf Schlömer

Klusenstr. 81

41239 Mönchengladbach

Tel. (0 21 66) 3 79 53

Fax (0 21 66) 3 49 38



For more information about the DERBY ARONA TENERIFE see…(click)






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