What is actually... Helmut Köster? Of course the 1st prize!

köster 2015

We remember - the pigeons by Helmut KÖSTER brought finished the unique feat, in 2011 the 1. And 2 against almost 54,000 pigeons to fly price from Hemau. But not enough. He repeated the Ruhr victory against 21.310 pigeons in 2014 from Osterhofen.

Whether Helmut KÖSTER can reiterate this in the year 2015? The characters are certainly not bad. As we Helmut KÖSTER mid-May visited he convinced just the competition again with the 1-2-3-5-6-7-8-19-21-30-85 (41/24) from Idol mountain (214 km) against 847 pigeons in the travel Association of Balve.

Helmut KÖSTER fly first prizes and top prizes is not about. Certainly he has decades of experience in breeding and guiding a travel team. However special skill and excellent Dove material requires to win, against very high bird numbers.

In addition to some selected top pigeons of the lines Vandenabeele and Houben's are mainly the pigeons by Leo Hamilton herremans, that allow these exceptional benefits.

Already in 2007, Helmut purchased several animals together with a friend on the auctioning of forth Emans Ceusters. As children of the "Olympics 03", brothers and sisters of the equally famous "Euro", children of the "Blauwe AS" and also the direct brother of the legendary "Jan" the "Koppensneller" in the sauerland region changed. That this significant investment has paid is so well known. Today, sitting on the breeding loft in Balve these animals and are the basis for the offspring of first prize Aviator against high bird numbers.

Can we surprise us yet a third time whether Helmut KÖSTER, to land a victory of the Ruhr area.

Helmut Köster

Maple Street 9

58802 Balve

Tel.: 02375-5437

PS: on the International Taubenmarkt on 24 October 2015 Kassel each 2 children of "Koppensneller" and brother "Euro" in one are "PREMIUM Auction - The best of the Ruhr" offered.

doves market ruhrgebiet auction 2015


More about the Ruhrgebiet flights read here…(click)

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