In AUGUST 2015 - by veterinarian Peter Boskamp...

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Trichomonas Gallinae is the Begetter of the disease which is also known as "the yellow button" pigeon fanciers. The disease is caused by a single-celled protozoärer parasite, which many times is greater than a bacterium and sgn. Flagelle has to be able to move. The parasite reach above in the throat, crop and esophagus, and can be proven in heavier infections in smears of the cloaca. Not all strains of this parasite are equally vicious.

The parasite is not visible to the naked eye. But he can be collected by means of a smear with a wet cotton swab along the wall of the goiter. More severe infections can be seen then move poop with trichomoniasis. When infections easier can be seen moving individual parasite in the microscopic preparation. A 10 x 10 is strongly the infection in pigeons to pressure can judge usually sufficient magnification.

The pigeons can transmit the infection via saliva, but also feeding the boys and in the travel baskets for drinking water. Transmission can also occur over the bath water. Many wild birds (such as the wood pigeon) are infected with this parasite. Fortunately, this parasite can badly against the common Desinfektantia. We can make so much with Hygiëne measures (routine disinfection of the water) the infection pressure to lower.

Earlier, ever yellow cheesy growths were seen caused by this parasite. There are however clear differences in pathogenic properties between the various tribes. Although today less cheesy growths detected by trichomoniasis, the infections with the yellow button are still important in relation to the level of performance that the deaf can do during the flights. The short Kürchen that is made in the last few years are a major problem in relation to Trichomonadeninfektionen. The resistance to the means that are effective against the yellow button increases rapidly. It cannot be stressed often enough that the short drink Wasserkuerchen in the long term the problem of trichomoniasis with drugs under control to keep presentable frustrate.

It is becoming increasingly important to the need for treatment to make but also the duration of a treatment by means of an investigation. In light infections, a capsule can be with the right effective concentration. In heavier infections, you should give one capsule, preferably on nüchterem stomach, two consecutive days. In recent years we see more often very serious infections in pigeons during routine inspections. Where we previously handled the scale in relation to the degree of infection of 1-4 we see the now regular infections we as 5 or 6 could classify plus. These infections should be treated first with a capsule, followed by a treatment 6 days after the feed with good effective means to be sure that the infection is really gone. Drinking water cures have no purpose at all in these cases. In publications is to read that there are already resistant strains and a five-time of effective material must be provided to be still effective. These are pretty alarming developments that forces the breeders who want to give casual short drinking Wasserkuerchen because it has to work to the senses.


The symptoms

As mentioned above are the outstanding violations as we saw years ago in the form of cheesy infection hardly. Also (still) not in the infections that we can classify plus with 5 to 6. These cheesy growths could be seen earlier in the throat in the teeth of the palate. When young birds in the nest, we see rarely cheesy flock around the navel. Occasionally, we see even large node in the crop that could prevent the digestion. In single cases, they must be removed surgically.

In extremely severe cases kan infection attacking internal organs such as the liver. So you can occasionally meet at nest boys abscesses in the liver. The pigeons being attacked the liver will recover poorly from the infection and are not suitable for competitions. Of course, these youngsters with Leberabzesse have no chance.

So, as mentioned, we see especially the milder cases in recent years. But doesn't mean these milder infections for fewer problems are responsible. Severe infections of the goiter may damage with the crop wall as a result of an inferior functionality of goiter. This has also consequences for the function of the gastro-intestinal tract. It is not difficult to understand the ulcers and inflammation in the craw that prevent pigeons can build the form. In severe infections, the flight services will have to suffer. The presence of cancer in the mouth contributes to the Schleimförmung there, which also prevents during the flight.


Other diseases.

We see in de clinic often report that people that get the yellow button despite repeated treatments can not rid. Investigation together with the breeders put out is that they deem a yellow infection the white dots in the cleft. Here however, it is Sialolite. Mineral sets. These have nothing to do with the yellow button.

Other breeders call sometimes irritated because the yellow treatments are no longer effective. You clearly see the yellow lining, but does not respond to the used funds according to their own judgment. Often it is then Pockendifterie forward in the beak. In contrast to the cheesy herd of the yellow knob, which by the way, if they already occur much deeper occur in the throat, these hard yellow nodes are not good to remove. You are usually in the beak.

Another disease that is often confused with the yellow button is a form of the typical image of a herpes virus infection. These pigeons are often very sick and have difterische coverings in the whole Bill and throat. This can make at the bleed a smear taken quickly. Even when an infection with the Candida yeast may be this type of covering. This has also nothing to do with infection with Trichomonas Gallinae.

Finally pigeons can come home after a strong effort with dried out slimy sets front in the beak. Also that is not linked to cancer, but with dehydration of the body.



Pigeons that had no contact with other deaf and who were clean during the investigation before the breeding period, appeared to be still infected after the breeding. It is possible to deep in the mucous Trichomonads plug which are actively have to produce once the pigeons crop milk. This fact is also the most important reason to advise the pigeons during the breeding against cancer to treat. Preventive or not. But also is true: long enough and in the correct dosage and no longer in the drinking water.

Not all pigeons are equally sensitive for trichomoniasis. Many breeders who with watch in the room on the screen are accordingly often very surprised. Some pigeon may be almost devoid of them, while pigeons sit on other compartments with a huge infection. The defense of these pigeons, as well as the pathogenic properties of the tribe play an important role here. It is also important that investigation only one or two pigeons are investigated. The factor random dan plays a large role in determining actual of Parasits.

We see during the first round of breeding a yellow Spa eggs give the livestock also the breeders, but forget to do this during the next rounds or not make aware. These animals are taken often to study. Regularly we have to find a serious infection.

The degree of acidity plays a certain role in the viability of the Trichomonas Gallinae Parasits. At one niedrigeen acidity of the parasite has to it difficult. Also has found that a combination with Bardflechten and Astragalus the parasite can make it difficult. Experience has shown that several blows the both lowering the acidity degree of drinking water alsauch a week using these herbs have much less severe infection with trichomoniasis. The impression however, that also depends on the effectiveness of this approach the concerned tribe of Parasits.

As mentioned it is long enough and sufficiently high doses in the application of Medikamten important you. We are of the opinion that this type of short drinking Wasserkuerchen is the cause of trichomes grannies of Parasits increased resistance to the commonly used 5-nitro-imidazolverbindungen. It is a misconception that it is better to switch between the available resources against the yellow button often. That can be good in other infections with other parasite, but in the case of Trichomonas Gallinae, that is an incorrect starting point. The various means which under various names are available against cancer but all are 5-nitro-imidazolverbindungen. So all these funds are related with each other. Alternating use of various means, then also schel(ler) will occur a resistance against all these resources. Therefore, it is much more reasonable again examine the pigeons when finding a serious infection after the treatment to make whether it was sufficiently effective to the used therapy. Often, the breeder Marvel then good if the drinking water treatment selected by them had little effect.

In the future, might, well the limited drug options to consider that the prevention of infection of yellow will play a much larger role than is now the case. So taking away the soaking of the shock may make as well as the survival of the cancer. Also the individual drink can help to reduce the infection pressure. Fortunately, it is still not so far that we have to take such measures.

But to keep the infection pressure to control the combination of natural and medical approach in the future maybe could be the best method.

When one is confronted with a severe infection pressure one should have no illusions in natural way to solve this completely. But if a careful treatment occurred has no Trichomonads were detected and control, teaches us the experience that when funneling drinking water acidification is combined with a tincture on the basis of beard lichens and Astralgalus is applied, can keep the problem under control. The advantage of this is that these funds are not only natural, resistance is not known, and also that this diverts resources from the general condition of the pigeons.


Finally a few warnings. Pigeons that have been wrong around you can isolate the best one or several days and treat individually against a possible infection with the yellow button. For example, with capsules or tablets.

What happens from time to time is that pigeon fanciers a proper course of treatment with means do that are effective against cancer and train let the deaf of funny for long periods of time. On the first day, not much will go wrong, but in the following days, the pigeons can at the land, especially on warmer days, with eyes pinch and scratch his head. In time the Dimetridazole in the Netherlands much was used in the form of Emtryl a distressed pigeon breeders away lived not far from the clinic, called me to come directly to see his pigeons. He had bought the drug from a pharmacy in Belgium (which was still quite normal at this time). But he had not quite understood the dosage. Instead of doing the prescribed dosage in drinking water once a day, he, and then the doves let for training had because the pigeons because of the heat drank a lot, again given the same dosage. When I arrived, several pigeons were dead on the floor. I could see myself that came the pigeons as helicopters from the air, where they were not able to estimate a distance and beat up on the ground. A dramatic picture. The pigeons who got their training flight uberlebten an electrolyte drink. This is then also the stand type treatment when leaving (in warm weather) while a yellow Spa train the pigeons and doves blinking come home.

Dimetridazole is the active substance in Emtryl and not more often used in the treatment of Trichomonas in pigeons. It is also a means with which one to watch. A small overdose can cause already brain bleeding in animals.

One is that all anti-Gelbmittel (Imidazolverbindungen) known "potentially teratogenic and mutagenic effect" have. Or German: they can cause defects in the DNA that may be cause for congenital variations in the descendants or even cancer when the pigeons. Pigeons that have been treated with these agents, apply unsuitable for consumption as complete. The necessary prudence consider should be included also in the application of these funds. A treatment can be given even better for this reason on eggs to be above the negative effects on the fertility and the descendants.


Best of luck,


Peter Boskamp



forest camp in July 2015

Pigeon vet Center

Julianalaan 7a, 6191 AL BEEK (Limburg) NL
Phone: 0031 46 4371885
Fax: 0031 46 4360346

The pigeon clinic Beek is part of the local veterinary Centre. It work here 6 vets and 8 (para-veterinary) AssistentInnen. The application of alternative veterinary equipment (such as herbs) occupies a high priority medicines regulator in addition to the application. We strive in practice through regular preventive health checks to forestall excessive use of drugs. The application of immune strengthening herbs is used with the same goal. Above methods are combined with preventive vaccinations, sure that the pigeons with increased defense can start in the season. In this way can be scooped during the season also unnecessary treatments, so that time and space to improve the shape of animals and thus to higher performance occur.

consulting P. BoskampSeveral times per year we send information for pigeon lovers, as well as an overview of drugs frequently used in Pigeon racing to all pigeon fanciers, registered with us. On request, we will send information about new developments, new products and other information relevant to the pigeon sport also regularly by E-Mail.

"Regular health checks of the pigeons is the basis for good flight performance"

Office hours:

From Monday to Friday we have three daily office hours:

09:00 09:30
13:00 13:30
18:00 19:00
On Saturdays we have consultation by:

11:00 12:00 uh


Office hours vet P. Boskamp:

Monday: 09.00 - 09.30 and 18.00 - 19.00
Tuesday: 13.00 - 13.30
Thursday: 09.00 - 09.30 and * 18:00 - 19: 00 * (* not on the 1st Thursday of the month.)
Outside these hours, you can visit us always by appointment.
From March 1 to September 1 we have an additional consultation for vaccinations from 11: 30 to 12:00.

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