Dr. Klaus Giesbert from Dortmund – Mister Ruhr area…



Dr. Klaus Giesbert – the “Mister Ruhr area”…


What were for times when the money game in the Ruhr region had the highest priority.

Homage to were the players who turned their "full" on the district flights in three lists in the top. Today, such results with many breeders in their thoughts of the past find great emotions. The full money and the prize were the measure of all things. Managed a pigeon in the money, she had a variety of prices despite perhaps no right to remain, the cam or the flying safe was always preferred.

One of the greatest money players of the 80s and one of the big national top hits is in the East of the Ruhr area, based in Dortmund, Germany.

We are talking about Dr.Klaus Giesbert, in the Ruhr area, everyone knows. Still, many older breeders speak of flights on which this exception blow won 30,000 marks, and more.

Until today, this impact has still increased its level and WINS one of the most valuable titles in Germany, the Ruhr region Championship against over 2000 shocks that collectively compete on three flights over 430, 530 and 620 km 2014.

That is not enough. 2013 already won the 2nd place and by 2015 it could place again with 9th place in the piano nobile of the local pigeon sport.

Actually, there is only a label for this phenomenal service.

'Mister Ruhr' a term for a great champion.

The January 2014 on the presentation ceremony of the DBA honored Dr. Klaus Giesbert Association Championship for the 6th National Championship.


Achievements in 2013

At the federal level:

6 Association year olds Championship
16 German Association Championship
2. Ruhr Cup
14 as females at the federal level

Giesbert 773
Regionalverband 402 Dortmund and surroundings (1224 membe.)

1. Association Championship 15 prizes; 1370,91 section.
1. Association-year Championship, 12 prizes; 1078,56 section.
1st RegV Championships, 35/35 prices
1-year-old RegV Championship, 35/35 prices
1. Traveling Trophy RegV
1 as females of the Association
4. as females of the Association
1. best females in the RegV 402
3. best females in the RegV 402
1. best year-old females in the RegV 402
2. best year-old females in the RegV 402
3. best year-old females in the RegV 402
5. best year-old females in the RegV 402
4. best year old bird in the RegV 402


Successes 2014

18 German Association Championship

1 Ruhr Cup

1. Regional Association Championship (RegV 402)

1 RegV Championship of the Association

1 FG Cup

1st RV Championships

1st RV Cup Championships

1st RV Jährigenmeisterschaft

1st RV-male Championship

1st RV female Championships

1 cup "The carrier pigeon"

1 hospital Cup

45. as female at the federal level

Giesbert frieda


Dr.Klaus Giesbert makes a terrific team with his friend Dr. Burkhardt Krause with a tribe of extraordinary top pigeons.


© www.brieftauben-Markt.de

By Thomas Kirchmann

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