Product of the week – KLAUS Herbalexier…

Klaus herbaelexier

KLAUS Herbalexier

Klaus – Herbalexier (herbal extract)
brings the extracts of the herb garden to the dovecote.
Herbalexier is extracted from 15 herbs. The beneficial active ingredients of milk thistle, fenugreek seed, origanum and thyme are also represented, as are coneflowers (echinacea) and nettle.

Herbal mixture liquid extract for carrier pigeons -Herbalexier- serves to maintain vitality and performance.

-Herbalexier herbal liquid extract to increase the natural defenses and general well-being of racing pigeons. The healing power of many herbs has been known since ancient times. Until the development of chemical feed supplements, it was primarily certain herbs that were used to improve the diet. In recent times, however, there has been a renewed focus on improving the taste and refinement of the feed with natural herbal substances. Herbs, such as those contained in Herbalexier herbal liquid extract, have a positive influence on digestive processes, metabolism and general well-being. They serve to increase the natural defenses and maintain vitality and performance.

The company's products buy here…(click)

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