PREMIUM Auktion LEO VAN RIJN aus de Lier (NL)…

Leo auch in den Jahren erlebte Rhine 2014 und 2015 absolute Highlights in seiner langjährigen Taubenkarriere.
The Grand Master has won everything from the Dutch de Lier what there is to win. But something special is to have the best Dove by very low country, in addition to the regional and national awards and many 1st prizes itself for the success-drenched Leo. This is certainly no fluke, because Leo has over 40 years built a pigeon strain, his same looks. Leo from his Jack and Meulemans has shaped an own strain of pigeon pigeons for decades now is renowned in Europe and achieved spectacular successes on many hits. This is an important indicator of how powerful is a stock.

Leo van Rijn 2015

DAS neben dem Jahre 2014 2015 bescherten Leo und nun schon obligatorischen NPO Sieg weitere phenomenal results.


Only Top-Ergebnisse 2014:
1-2-3-5-13-16, etc. against 4084 pigeons
1-2-8-14-34-39, etc. against 8471 pigeons
1-2-26, etc. against 8543 pigeons
1-2-7, etc. against 3874 pigeons
3-5-6-9-11-17, etc. against 4812 pigeons
2-3-6-8-10-11-14, etc. against 4898 pigeons
5-6-7-8-9-10-14-22, etc. in 3678 Pigeons
1-10-12-17-20-33-39-43-52-57-69-76 etc.
against 3225 pigeons (1 NPO)

1st National Champion pigeon Holland/Netherlands 2014


Auction 2015 van rijn with text

Here you read more about Leo van Rijn ... (click)


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