PREMIUM Auktion Louis Voronina † & Frank S. ...

Louis Vangramberen & Frank shearing

an impressive pigeon-Empire!


(On 1 December 2015, our friend Louis Vangramberen at the age of 68 years is suddenly and unexpectedly died for all. We will never forget him and keep his memory in honor.)

Louis Vangramberen Brieftauben Market

At the top are the black tiger Leopard spotting

Who doesn't know him? He was the probably the most famous Belgian auctioneers and journalists in the pigeon sport. The speech is by Louis Vangramberen. The name is a synonym for first-rate pigeons - made in Belgium for decades. In the glory years of the Belgian pigeon sport, he auctioned pigeons from the most famous growers like Verstraete, Engels, Thone, Imbrecht, Dr. Peeters, van Derma Elen, Desmet-Matthijs, Slaets, IGO and Daniel van Ceulebroeck and many more. Over 25 years was editor of the well-known Louis "de Duivensport Belgian". He is single and went out in his carrier on each top stroke. At this time, all as pigeons went through his hands. It is a fabulous story that looking back today.

Louis Vangramberen Brieftauben Market ONexpo

Auction 2015 vangramberen with text

Here you can read more about Louis Vangramberenand Frank shearing... (click)


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