Tip of the week - KLAUS "Carnitine taurine power"...

KLAUS "Carnitine taurine power" is used to support the metabolism and improve performance.

klaus c-t-p

Klaus - C-T-P is to offset a development to pigeons in order to bring in the right moment, the right output. Carnitine holds the key role for regulation of fat and carbohydrate metabolism. It has a Carrierfunktion for the fatty acids and is important for their removal in the mitochondrial matrix. Choline is responsible for the formation of the Neurotranmitters acetylcholine and therefore enclose for the transmission of nerve impulses.
Taurine affects the signal transmission, is important for the nervous system and its effect on the membrane potential circulation for the cardiac output.
Taurine is also a strong acetyl. The included B vitamins stabilize the nerve function. The pigeons are quiet during the flight but vigorous during transport.

Feeding recommendation: During the trip on Thursday 10 ml & Friday 20 ml per 1 L of drinking water or via the feed for 20 pigeons. At all other times 10 ml per litre of water 1 x per week. Already 24 hours after feeding Klaus - C-T-P may exert its effect. You can administer Klaus - C-T-P and Jodoferrol at the same time. This is a useful combination. But then, you should give one of the preparations of the feed and the other is in the drinking water. If you want to use Klaus-C-T-P Vitamultin b at the same time, reduce Vitamultin-B to the half dose. It is also reasonable to use Klaus - C-T-P in the silver arrow method for the heavy flights. Then, silver arrow travel 2 through a combination of Jodoferrol and Klaus - C-T-P can be replaced. All three products can it used be, but in reduced amounts. Only 50%.

KLAUS - C-T-P contains:

Vit. B1, Vit. B2, Vit. B6, Vit. B12, Nicotinic Acid amide, biotin, Pantothenic acid, choline
Taurine, carnitine

Moreover KLAUS enthällt - C-T-P following native amino acids:

Alanine, arginine, asparagine, cysteine, glutamine, glycine, histidine, hydroxylysine, hydroxyproline, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, proline, serine, threonine, tryptophan, tyrosine, valine


Klaus ctp

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