Supply plan for the Alttier trip – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

Establish a high-quality, component rich widower mix themselves for the trip, which administered throughout the week.
With us the food during the travel period Mariman Variamax, the rest from each part consists of 50% Beyers relax and Power, Vanrobaeys non-stop. Outside the tourist season, we use the corresponding mixes of the same companies. Feed your pigeons hand to hand, morning "shortly", tired in the evening. Make sure that they take up all the seeds themselves but not overeating. Give the products only on half of rations and feeding her other half without accessories behind. It is crucial that you keep your pigeons from the beginning until the end of the week "to eat".


Food and potions plan for the old ricee

Sunday (Airshow)
Upon return of the deaf: Travel mix with 20-30% hemp without any additives in the feeding trough for free; Seeds, sunflower seeds, peanuts in the cell offered in the 1 drinking clear water;
After taking Away the partner: 1 kg travel mix, moistened with 10 ml Sedochol 5 g Probac 1000 5 g protein A.P.F.. 90, bound with phyto
Potions: 1 ltr. Water or blood cleansing tea 10 ml C-M-K 5 ml Catosal

1 kg travel mix with fresh garlic, onion, carrots, red beets mix .
5 ml Probac oregano oil, dried with 5 g Probac 1000 and some phyto;
After heavy morning/evening: 10 ml Sedochol 5 g protein A.P.F.. 90
Potions: alternately on 2 l of water or 5 ml 1 ml aerosol Usnea barbata on 1 l of water

1 kg travel mix with 5 ml oregano oil 5 g Probac 1000 and some phyto
Potions: 5 g Probac 1000 per 1 l of water

1 kg travel mix with 5 ml active iron, bound with Green Clay
In the evening: a few peeled sunflower seed 1-2 peanuts into the cell's bowl
Potions: 2 ml Flash (JOD) per 2 l of water

In the morning: 1 kg travel mix with 10 ml of Sanuzella zym
In the evening: with 5 ml Omega-3-lecithin oil 5 g Probac energy, in addition shelled sunflower seeds 2-3 peanuts into the cell's bowl
For flights over 300 km: Addition 5 ml gamma * per 1 kg of feed
Week drink 1-4: 2 ml Flash (JOD) per 2 l of water
Ml C-M-K potions from week 5:10 10 g Carbo power per 1 l of water

In the morning: 1 kg travel mix with 5 ml Probac lecithin oil 5 g Probac energy
For flights over 300 km: Addition 5 ml gamma * per 1 kg of feed
In the evening: travel mix without additives
In addition shelled sunflower seeds 4-5 peanuts into the cell's bowl
Potions: 10 ml C-M-K 10 g Carbo power on 1 l of water

Saturday (day)
Morning to 12.00 h: travel mix without any additives to the free selection
1000 10 g Carbo power per 1 ltr 5 g Probac potions until 12: 00 h. Water;
then clear water


* Gamma can be administered oil through feed very well in addition together with Omega-3-lecithin, but of course also alone


Don't overdo it please!
This care plan represents only a general feeding policy and by no means can be used for all weeks are always administered.
All of our products are highly concentrated.
Start therefore at the beginning of the season for all products with just one meal a week and slowly increase the gifts as needed. Please consider the severity of flights or flight time. Once your pigeons to respond and getting, please stay at the dosages used until then.
Please as above written, give all accessories only on half of the daily diet, and feeding naked food afterwards.
To avoid that your pigeons take in too little food and prevent the pollution of the blood.

Performance on homing pigeons
Already, the transport to the will runs the risk of infections. But the race itself represents an enormous stressful situation for the pigeons.
This stress can have a significant impact on the natural intestinal flora even large extent this can be destroyed.
This effect is very high especially in young and inexperienced birds and can cause with the young animal illness.

To see most clearly this is pictured feces after the flight. Often it takes 24 – 48 hours until the remote control is completely normalized. It is therefore preferable, already to give the pigeons a return day Probac 1000 and add the feed about 20% hemp. The droppings are usually already firmly bound by the next morning, Brown and the feather moulting has already reinstated.
Is sports, using antibiotics and chemotherapy drugs during the period after the flight, to prevent a possible infection during the stay in the cabin Express, but especially recommended to administer days Probac the destroyed gut flora as soon as possible to rebuild immediately after 1-2 1000. Broad spectrum antibiotics kill quickly existing sickening pathogens off, but also the healthy intestinal flora.

Durch die Anwendung des Probac-Systems wird zunächst die Regenerationsphase nach dem Flug deutlich verkürzt. So bleibt genügend Zeit, die Energiespeicher frühzeitig zu füllen. Die aufeinander abgestimmten Präparate führen ihre Tauben in eine natürliche, konstante Topform und verhindern, dass die Tauben von Woche zu Woche an Substanz verlieren. Das bringt Ihnen den entscheidenden Leistungsvorsprung.

brockamp dba 2015

Dr. Hans - Peter Brockamp
IPC sports products

Colonel breed 102
56154 Boppard

Phone: 49 2651 701 360
Fax: 49 2651 701 361

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Probac travel


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