Super results 2016 from Germany, Belgium and Holland 07/08 may…
Hardy Krüger & Father – Rommerskirchen (D)
Distance (in km) 276 km
Number of abandoned pigeons 661 pigeons
Number of pigeons 41 pigeons used by you
Number of placements won 21 pigeons
Category (boy, age, years) old & Years
Achieved results 2., 3., 8., 46th, 50th, 59th, 63., 66., 74., 81st, 87., 91., 98.
Distance (in km) 196 km
Number of abandoned pigeons 1886 pigeons
Number of pigeons 50 pigeons used by you
Number of placements won 28 pigeons
Category (old & Year old)
-Won positions 7, 19, 27, 48, 91, 94, etc. 56%
Dirk Van Dijck – Zandhoven (B)
Melun Union 4.305 oude: 32,51,55,56,58,67,69,77,87,102,105,114,117,147,191,256,365,368,393,… 49/81
Melun Union 2,320 jaarse: 14,24,27,28,36,46,55,56, 61,84,... 30/56
Melun Union West 2.776 oude: 21,33,36,37,38,41,43,48, 56,65,67,72,75,95,126,156,215,216,231,257,263,266,275,278,... 52/81
Melun Union West 1,495 jaarse: 9,15,17,18,20, 26,32,33,36,51,24,125,148,... 32/56
Wöhr Dieter, Weissach
07.05.2016 Toul (227 km) RV 525 pigeons
1-2-3-3-5-6-6-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-17-18-19-20-21-22-22 etc (37 / 44)
Scholz Britta & Joachim, Netphen
02.05.2016 Schweinfurt (185 km) RV Southern Siegerland Tauben 576
1-2-3-4-5-6-8-10-12-16-16-18-18-20-21-22-23-27-27-29-29-29-29-34-35-37-37-37. etc. (61/91)
07.05.2016 Erlangen (235 km) RV 528 pigeons
2-8-9-10-16-17-17-19-31-32-33-34-34-39 etc. (47 / 89)
Spenner Daniel, Büren
01.05.2016 Dahlem (185 km) RV 806 pigeons
3-4-20-21-22-23-32-34-35-52-68-70-70-72 etc. (32 / 62)
07.05.2016 Bitburg (233 km) RV 770 pigeons
7-17-18-19-20-21-41-43-44-45-52-53-54-60-61-62-64-76-84 etc. (33 / 62)
08.05.2016 flight from Hammersbach (161 km)
4446 pigeons (FG) (63/46 prices 73%)
35,40,41.. USW bankruptcies
Van Hammond – Schuurmans – Neerpelt (B)
Oude Chimay 675: 4.11, 30,31,38,48,... 9/10
Chimay 849 jaarse: 7.9, 19,21,29,32,33,39,46,50,54,55,57,60,68,... 24/30
Oude SEZANNE, 443: 6,8,9, 20,23,25,27,37,39,42,... 27/36
Fletcher m & Theresa, Verl
07.05.2016 Daun (219 km) FG 3.149 pigeons
5-17-32-34-35-36-39-46-67-87-88 etc (45780)
Brugmans Sabrina – Halen (B)
07/05 Melun 766 oude: 6.10, 36,44,... 12/17
Janssen Peter, Kleve-Lobith
07/05/2016 Quievrain (232 km) Abteilung 8279 Alte
925-967-998-1126-1199-1326-1379-1449-1478-1578-1633-1636-1710-1789-1887-1935 (37/69Tb.)
Boscheind flyers – Van de Wiel-Schreuder (NL)
07-05 Laon Loft Luyksgestel 217 km 59 pigeons.
Club prices: 264 d. 18 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 20, 28, 29, 30, 44, 49, etc. 8 x 1 on 10.
EB&O 998 d. 18 prices: 2, 15, 18, 19, 22, 26, 28, 59, 85, 88, 95, etc. 11 x 1 on 10.
Miss Sezalasou won the 1st prize for the fourth time! Crossing Bosch end Flyers x Madapolitics
Miss Sezalasou won for the fourth time the 1st prize! Crossing Bosch end Flyers x Madapolitics
Miss zum vierten Mal gewann den Sezalasou 1. Preis! Kreuzung Bosch end Flyers x Madapolitics
Herbots Bros. – Halle Booienhoven (B)
01/5/16 Soissons 196 km 311 Old
3, 5, 6, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21, 26, 27, 37, 39, 43, 44, 45, 46, …. (33/65)
1/5/16 Soissons 196 km 284 Jaarlingen
2.3, 7,8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23, 27,.… (39/93)
7/5/16 SEZANNE 253 km 830 Oude
1, 3, 6, 10, 27, 50, 61, 62, 63, 67, 71, 73,. …. (37/66)
7/5/16 SEZANNE 253 km 905 Jaarlingen
3, 5, 12, 13, 15, 28, 34, 39, 46, 49, 50, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66,. ….. (48-90)
Mattis Marco, Burghaun Rothenkirchen
08.05.2016 Swiss franc Valley (156 km) RV 1,028 pigeons
15-16-17-18-18-20-22-25-28-35-35-37-38 etc. (42 / 61)
Lakshmanan, H RV Velbert
07.05.2016 flight from Rottendorf (277 km) 1061 pigeons (RV)
(56/28 prices – 50%)
4,6,14,25,36,39 …etc.
Geert Munnik, Noordbroek
0200 old Club 7/05/2016 Heusden-Zolder (261 km)
1-2-3-7-9-10-12-14-15-17-18-19-20-21-22-24-25-29-30-38-40-49 (22 / 40 TB.)
SG lever Heibel, Bannberscheid
08.05.2016 (200 km) RegV monkeys home. 1,520 pigeons
41-52-53-117-118-120, etc. (19/39)
SG slept Stiens, Oelde
07.05.2016 Bad Kissingen (234 km) RegV. 6.916 pigeons
2-3-5-46-49-61-64-73-75-81-84-95-100-101-102-108-114-116-119a-119 b-121-134-135-136-138a-
138b, and so on (80/158)
Roland Faber & Denis, Hamburg
01.05.2016 Parchim (119 km) RV 2544 old pigeons
40-45-46-48, etc. (99/108)
01.05.2016 (119 km) RV 1,312 yearlings of Parchim
52, etc. (66/72)
07.05.2016 Neubrandenburg (209 km) RV 2,554 old pigeons
28-29-29-35-43-47-47-52-54-86-94-96-99 etc (82 / 107)
07.05.2016 Neubrandenburg (209 km) RV 1,299 year old
1-2-3-4-5-13-16-20-22-62-64-68-80-82-83-83-87-88-88-90-96-100 etc (58 / 71)
Derwa Albert, Herent
0144 old Club 7/05/2016 Melun (290 km)
1-4-6-12 (4/4 TB.)
0153-year-old Club 7/05/2016 Melun (290 km)
1-2-3-5-6-11-24-26-35-39 (10/19Tb.)
SG Fuchs & Wolf, Hochheim
02.05.2016 überherrn (145 km) RV 727 pigeons
1-1-3-35-6-7-7-9-9-11-12-14-17-19-25-26-27-27-30-32-32-34-34-36-37-38-40-41-48 etc. (90 / 132)
SG Ullrich Sohn & Grandson, Nauen
07.05.2016 taught 3.099 pigeons (188 km) FG
1-2-4-5-13-19-20-20-22-24-25-26-27-28-28-30 etc (69 / 96)
All successful breeders a congratulations!
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