The moulting of pigeons – a special challenge… –

The moulting of pigeons – a special challenge…

In the course of a homing pigeon, the moult period plays a special role. Moult, the plumage is (the dress, the Ausgehanzug, the overalls or also the protective clothing, all in one) of poultry was newly formed. This plumage must meet the needs of the deaf and the demands of the breeder for 365 days. The plumage must be beautiful, it must be resistant to wind and weather. It must be warm in the winter and in the summer it must withstand direct sunlight.
The Quills may kinking or a 1000 not shatter km flight. The plumage must be slippery and streamlined. It must be waterproof and insulating. The springs are important for the health of the birds.
Nature has therefore made the springs made of a high strength, durable and light material.
The springs are critical to the performance of the pigeons. Without a good spring plant, there is no ordinary services.
For the formation of the plumage, the pigeon organism needs specific active ingredients and nutrients. In the normal diet of grains, these are not available in sufficient quantities. Their lack of effect for spring growth limiting. Spring growth is so geared to the presence of these substances. They are there, grow the feathers, they are not there, stops growth. In the Quills, it then comes at irregular intervals to strong and weak points. Because of the notch effect such break easier than generally weak adult Quills non adult feathers.
Such Springs must be avoided.
Sulfur is one of the most important substances for the spring growth, because the substance of spring are equipped with relatively large amounts of sulfur. The element is sulfur in its basic form of pigeon only minimally usable. Sulfur is utilized by the body only as a material wrapped in amino acids.
Particularly the need for the sulfur-containing amino acid methionine can in the moulting period are not covered solely by grains feed. The deficiency of methionine in the grains food is evident, if you keep in mind, that for example wheat has approx. 0.2% of this amino acid in bound form, the needs of the deaf is but on average 0.3%, which is higher during the moulting period.
A feeding as supplementary feed is thus commanded.
The best recoverability of methionine is given when it is offered as a single, pure substance in dissolved form to the animal. In addition to methionine, there are other limiting substances which are important for the growth. These include the amino acid lysine and the mineral calcium.

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Tricom®-Mauser obtain liquid

The Tricom Mauser help-Klaus contains methionine, lysine, calcium, vitamin A, D3, E, K and numerous vitamins of the B complex. Intended use the "Tricom Mauser help liquid" is possible to improve the amino acid supply with reference to the methionine content of wheat from 66% to 80%. A similar improvement is achieved also in lysine, calcium, and some important vitamins. This appreciation of the Chuck has a much larger importance as it reveals the numerical value for growth.
It is important that the preparation is used regularly.

Product description:

The dietary supplement Tricom® Mauser aid (liquid) is compositionally excellent effective and productive. Tricom Mauser help (liquid) can be administered via drinking water or food. Regular feed reduce growth failures in the plumage. Tricom Mauser auxiliary liquid contains a high proportion of methionine, lysine, available calcium and many vitamins.
A neat plumage is the prerequisite for excellent flight performance in the coming season.

Feeding Note:

During the entire Mauser, 20 ml (approx. 2 tablespoons) 2 l drinking water or 1 kg daily feed bound for approximately 40 pigeons!


Drinking water should be changed every 12 hours and the potions is to clean thoroughly!


Calcium chloride, sodium chloride
Ingredients: Water: 82%
Crude protein: 4%, crude fibre:<0, 3%, crude FAT: <0, 3%, crude ash: 12.8%,.
Lysine: 2.8%, methionine: 1.8%, calcium: 4%, sodium: 0.2%
Additives per 1000 ml: vitamins, provitamins and chemically defined substances having a similar effect:
Vitamin A (E 672) 100000 i.E
Vitamin D as (E671) D3 4000 i.E
Vitamin E 40 mg vitamin K3 24 mg
Vitamin B-1 40 mg vitamin B2 100 mg
Vitamin B6 40 mg vitamin B12 500 mcg
Preservative: Citric acid (E 330), potassium sorbate (E202)
Note for proper use:
This dietary supplement may be fed per cent due to the higher compared to complete feed content in vitamins only up to 10 of the daily diet of pigeons.


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