Author archives: Peter Kocks

  • MIFUMA - Winter Spar...

    MIFUMA – Winter Spar…

    Winter Spar is the cheapest way to feed your pigeons over the winter months and to ensure a basic supply. The feed from the former Betz program is popular with breeders who like to improve their winter feed according to their own wishes. The mixture is available from October to January. Our tip: evaluate…



    Robert Maaß particularly likes to use the Röhnfried mineral drink and UsneGano for his pigeons. Mineral drink provides the breeding and young pigeons with valuable minerals in times of increased need, such as before laying eggs and while raising the young animals. The valuable trace elements copper, manganese and zinc also ensure important metabolic processes…

  • Final standings 1st Mifuma Cup 2024...

    Final score 1. Mifuma Cup 2024 …

    A new championship in German racing pigeon racing The first Mifuma Cup took place this year and received a great response within the breeding community. The winners have finally been chosen and the official award ceremony will take place at the International TaubenMarkt/DBA in Kassel on November 31, 2024. Something special awaits the winners here…

  • Endstand - VANROBAEYS Superstars 2024...

    Final score – VANROBAEYS Superstars 2024…

    The “VANROBAEYS Superstars” competition was held for the 10th time in 2024 and the provisional winners* have been chosen. The tender is national for German racing pigeon breeders. (*Legal recourse is excluded. The participants accept the conditions and decisions of the organizer. Complaints can be made in writing or by email until November 15, 2024…

  • Final standings TIPES racing pigeon market championship 2024...

    Final results of the TIPES racing pigeon market championship 2024…

    For 8 years now, all racing pigeon breeders have been able to take part in the “TIPES racing pigeon market championship”, regardless of whether they use the Tipes registration system or not. One of the most interesting awards in German racing pigeon racing has also been announced for the 2024 travel year and the winners have been chosen*. (*Legal recourse is excluded. The participants recognize this…

  • In NOVEMBER 2024 - by Dr. Peter Boskamp...

    In NOVEMBER 2024 – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…

    The Winter Months As the winter months approach, many breeders start making plans on how to put together their pairs. Finding new possible pairs and mating again is usually an interesting activity. Do the newly purchased pigeons also fit? A Danish breeder who recently visited the practice has a remarkable comment on the latter…

  • MIFUMA ZJM Vital...

    MIFUMA ZJM Vital…

    The optimally vitaminized food for pigeons with highly digestible, mucus-forming whole grain oat flakes and hydrothermally digested power peas is ideal for breeding. The unique combination of essential fatty acids and sulfur-containing amino acids ensures an excellent moulting process for the noble breeds and visibly improves the quality of the feathers.Special propertiesFor large breedsWith Vital PearlWith hydrothermal…

  • Probiotics and Prebiotics: Together we are strong!

    Probiotics and Prebiotics: Together we are strong!

    Was ist der Unterschied und wofür dienen sie? Probiotika (Lat. pro bios: für das Leben) ein Futterzusatz mit lebenden Mikro-organismen (gutartige Bakterien), die das Wachstum anderer Mikro-organismen fördern. Sie sind Teil der Darmflora und haben eine positive Wirkung auf sie. Meist handelt es sich um Milchsäurebakterien. Wenn das ökologische

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