Category archives: Post of the Week
The moulting of pigeons – a special challenge…
Over a pigeon year period of the Mauser plays a special role. During the moulting is the plumage (the dress, the dress uniform, work suit or protective clothing, all in one) newly formed poultry. This plumage has 365 days to claim the pigeons and the claims of the…
MIFUMA top tip for the trip: Active Pearl…
Our Active Pearl is a coated grain based on Milo with an extra portion of L-carnitine – for long-lasting, rising form and more flying pleasure. The pilled grain is available exclusively in Mifuma's pigeon program. Only Mifuma can use the gentle manufacturing process in which the grain is mixed with a…
The moult - a high performance for the metabolism…
The preparations for the next racing season begin with the conclusion of the previous one and in this sense it is particularly important to strive for the smoothest possible moulting of the cover and small plumage. It is undisputed that moulting is accompanied by a greatly increased need for the sulfuric acid-containing amino acids methionine and cystine -…
Successful through the moult – by Robert Maass…
Moulting in our racing pigeons is a completely natural process. As soon as the days get shorter again, the moulting period begins. The prerequisite for a good feather change is that the pigeons are healthy. The healthier a pigeon is, the better the new feathers can develop. That moulting is an important period…
VANROBAEYS tips: For the moulting season 2024…
Mauser time is the most important time of the year? The older farmers claimed that the earlier moulting period was the most important time in the pigeon year, yet you did not know properly deal with it. Today we can no longer be compared to the post-war period our time. There was poverty and hunger. Pigeon feed in a feed store…
For the young pigeon flights 2024 – activate the immune system of young pigeons now…
today a powerful and activated immune system decides on victory or defeat. Or better said, on absolute top form with consistent top prices. The science reported in recent years, tremendous gains knowledge in the field of activation of the active and passive immune system. That's why we use to activate the immune system beta-glucans (β-glucans)…
The recipe for success for the young pigeons 2024!!! KLAUS SILBERPFEIL TURBO RR…
In addition to free amino acids, Silver Arrow Turbo also contains peptides created by hydrolysis and the trace elements iron and iodine. Vitamins A-D3-E are also included. This new and unique composition can only be found in the Silver Arrow Turbo RR. The product was developed as a feed supplement. It is particularly suitable for racing and the resulting regeneration. Silver Arrow…
Healthy young pigeons in TOP shape – Bony S.G.R. …
Bony S.G.R. contains a number of herbs that promote the immune system. Among others: Echinacea Purpurea, Eleuterococcus and Panax Ginseng. Bony S.G.R also contains a number of herbs that help optimize digestion, which is visibly manifested in an improvement in the appearance of the faeces. The balanced composition ensures that the…
VANROBAEYS PHARMA – Belgian top quality…
E-BOOSTER is an innovative product consisting of fats and amino acids. During the flight, the pigeon draws on its stored reserves. E-BOOSTER was developed specifically for this purpose. With E-BOOSTER, the pigeons should recover more quickly and therefore build up reserves more quickly so that they can then be released during the flight. Energetically, an improved oxygen supply in the…
For the final flights in 2024 – Added value of a condition preparation…
Condition powder as an additional energy source. During physical effort over a longer duration pigeons switch to burning fat from carbohydrate. Fats are the main source of energy for long-haul flights. Fat burning also provides twice as much energy as carbohydrate and protein combustion in pigeons. Therefore, a condition preparation must have a high fat content to the calorific value…