Category archives: Post of the Week
Mifuma – Top Jungtaube…
In order to feed young pigeons properly and, above all, to protect them from illness, they must be provided with all the important nutrients. Mifuma Top Young Pigeon is our food specially designed for the young pigeons in the growth phase and during the young pigeon journey. The optimal protein supply has been proven to improve the immune status of pigeons. The training…
Preventive aftercare, recovery and regeneration…
In an effort always a recovery period followed by a build-up phase for the next effort follows. During the travel season starts preparing for the next flight even when returning from the previous flight or at best even during the preparatory flights to the actual flights for the lover…
BEYERS CONDITION & CARE – always developed and optimized…
Unser CONDITION & The CARE range as a supplement to the BEYERS mixtures consists of a high-quality range of food supplements, grit and mineral mixtures and care products & hygiene products. In addition to our BEYERS feed mixtures, they ensure that the needs of your pigeons, which depend on the stress they are exposed to, are (quickly) efficiently covered. This load can vary depending on the season, but also…
The journey is coming – thought of everything? – by Dr. Peter Boskamp…
As is known, I am not a supporter of strict timetables during the racing season. Every shot is different, as are the circumstances. In short, following a flight pattern forces us to use our minds. Old Pigeons It is sensible to send adult pigeons to latent (hidden) status a good month before the start of the flying season.…
VANROBAEYS Revolution – the revolution for the 2024 season!!!
About Revolution As a specialist in sports nutrition, we strive every day to adapt and, if necessary, improve our products in order to optimize the performance of your pigeons. Together with some nutrition experts, we got to work with specially developed “new grains”. This was later called “Pro Immun Pellets”.…
The first step to success – from weaning to training to the first flight…
Young pigeons grow from a small nest boy to a young pigeon within a short period of time. The youngsters are often weaned between 22 and 25 days of age. But their growth is not yet complete. They still have to develop further up to the young adult pigeon. That takes your metabolism in high…
“Regular health checks are the basis for good breeding, moulting and racing results in pigeons”
Pigeonvetcenter The Pigeonvetcenter has been located in Beek in Limburg for a long time under the direction of Peter Boskamp. The Pigeonvetcenter is a department of the Diergeneeskundig Centrum Beek. 6 veterinarians and 5 veterinary assistants work in this center today. In the Pigeonvet Center you will receive professional veterinary support for all questions related to the racing pigeon.…
The new RÖHNFRIED Courier 2024…
Finally the wait is over - here you can read or download the RÖHNFRIED Courier 2024 online and the new edition of the RÖHNFRIED Courier 2024 will be available from retailers in the coming weeks! But also at the International TaubenMarkt trade fair in Kassel on 11/12. November 2023 is…
Herbs and their ingredients – by Alfred Berger…
Herbs have been valued and used with pleasure for thousands of years because of their valuable ingredients. With their special ingredients, herbs can have a positive effect on health. And so herbs are always the focus of scientists to find out which ingredients are responsible for which effects and to what extent herbs also protect against diseases…
Up-to-date on the young animal trip 2023..
The ornithosis complex Respiratory diseases together with the adeno-coli complex form the greatest threat to pigeon health during the youngster racing season. A violent eruption of the ornithosis complex can destroy all illusions in a short time. In diseases of the respiratory tract, a distinction can be made between different clinical pictures and triggers of the symptoms. In the…