Category archives: Post of the Week
Disinfection: – necessary or overrated?
One often hears of disinfection with probiotics, what is it? The surface wetting with probiotic bacteria is good and useful. These bacteria operate every half hour cell division, for this you need a lot of moisture and removing him from their environment. Pathogens, so the "bad" if you will, need for their existence precisely those…
Röhnfried Inside Special - 7 point plan 2022... – Röhnfried Inside Special - 7 point plan 2022...…
Röhnfried Inside Special - 7 point plan 2022...
Nutrients for top performance at Briefauben – by Alfred Berger…
Wichtig für die ganzjährige optimale Versorgung der Tauben ist neben anderen Faktoren die Ergänzung von Vitalstoffen. Dazu gehören Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Mineralstoffe. Diese so genannten Mikronährstoffe sind für einen gesunden Organismus unverzichtbar, liefern ihm jedoch keine Energie. Dadurch unterscheiden sie sich von den Makronährstoffen Fett, Kohlenhydrate und Proteine. Vitalstoffe…
About occurrence and significance of magnetic sediments in bird-grit & pigeon grit – Article by Peter Klaus…
Some time ago I received the urgent request of a bird friend regarding pathogenic contaminants in bird grit. The requesting bird owners had examined his grit with a magnet and frightens found that different to the magnet gray particles got stuck. The internet actually numerous reports of such attempts can be found. A whole…
vitamins – vital nutrients…
Vitamins are particularly important for pigeons because they are involved in almost every metabolic process in the body. They strengthen the immune system, are involved in building muscles and bones and generally play a major role in fertility and growth. There are 13 different vitamins in total. Most of these vital substances…
Inside – Stephan Machiels/Sabrina Brugmans…
Stephan Grotzsch war zu Besuch in Belgien und hat ein spannendes Interview mit Stephan Machiels geführt, der gemeinsam mit seiner Frau unter dem Namen Sabrina Brugmanns reist. Röhnfried wünscht viel Spaß bei den Einblicken in Stephans Taubenschlag! 🕊 Themenübersicht: 00:00:00 Begrüßung und Vorstellung 00:01:40 Ausrichtung des Schlages 00:02:27 Die…
Support regeneration as best as possible – by Alfred Berger…
A particular strength of ours is to use our products to accelerate the regeneration of the pigeons after the flight. To do this, we use the power of the following nutrient groups: Carbohydrates, proteins, short-chain amino acids, carbohydrates. This energy is first given by the…
Respiratory diseases in pigeons – by Alfred Berger
Respiratory tract infections can severely affect the performance of the pigeons. For this reason, a healthy respiratory tract is essential for fit and high-performing pigeons. In the case of respiratory infections, numerous pathogens that cause very similar symptoms overall come into consideration. The pathogens often do not appear in isolation, as in the case of classic ornithosis, for example…
Strengthen intestinal health with probiotics and prebiotics – by Alfred Berger…
It is not without reason that it is said that “the seat of health is in the intestines”. Trillions of microorganisms live in the gut, most notably the large intestine. Microorganisms, also known as intestinal flora or microfilm, are extremely useful for the body. They help in the digestion of food components with, regen…