Category archives: Short messages
NEU !!! Vanrobaeys Health Balance…
Vanrobaey's Health Balance helps with: Existing bacterial infections such as E-Coli and Salmonella Maintaining the positive, benign bacteria in the intestines Improving performance during breeding, racing and moulting periods Application and dosage: The first 5-6 days of application: 3ml / 1Ltr. Drinking water After: during breeding/moulting/rest period: daily 2…
TIPES mobile – 19,402
MC 2100 on the iPhone, smartphone, pad TIPES is the first electronic system for racing pigeons. The more than 25 years of experience speak for themselves. That is why TIPES is “THE” recording system for the pigeon sport. Most of the innovations come from TIPES. For example the NEW TIPES high speed antenna, TIPES…
Bony-online Taubenmesse Houten & Kassel…
+++ 20% trade fair discount +++ Bony-online pigeon fair Houten & 13,956 & 13,956…
TOP results 2021…
These are the top results of the young bird flights of the weekend from 09/11/2021 to 09/12/2021. Horst and Frank Sander, RV Münster 1st prize on 09/12/21 from Höchststadt (337 km) against 295 pigeons in the RV 1,241 in the FG, 1,588 in the RegV-Grp and 2,846 in the RegV There were 36 pigeons and in the RV 12 prizes won: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 30th, 37th,…(RV)…
TOP results 2021…
Schwarte, Rainer – Rhede-Brual 31.08.2021 Borken (147 km) RegV-Gruppe 4.573 Jungtauben 9-18-22-24-26-28-32-34-35-37-46-48-50-97-100-118-164-186-197-236-238-260-261-416-461-469 usw. (41/63) 05.09.2021 Pulheim (242 km) FG 1.111 Jungtauben 2-3-3-15-16-17-21-22-25-27-28-29-31-32-33-45-46-48-50-67-81-87-89-93-95-95-102-104-107-137 usw. (45/65) Stolorz, Norbert – Recklinghausen 01.09.2021 Gelnhausen (204 km) RV 1.088 Jungtauben 1-2-3-5-6-9-10-14-14-16-17-17-26-30-31-32-33-34-41-53-54-55-57-62-63-64-65 usw. (64/98) Muhl, Reinhard & Ina – Gröningen 04.09.2021 Frankfurt/Oder (235 km) RV…
TOP results 2021…
Dies sind die Spitzenergebnisse am Wochenende vom 28/08/2021 und 29/08/2021. Huub Hermans, Born 28-08-2021 Chimay 149 km Samenspel 529 Jungtauben 1-2-3-4-9-13-14-15-16-17-18-21-23-24-25-26-30-32-36-37-38-39-42-59-62-83-102-132 (28/36) Lorenzo van Russel, Dordrecht 28-08-2021 Lennik 115 km Samenspel 1172 Jonge&Oude (natour) 1-6-16-26-61-171-178-184-230-280 (10/10) Peter Janssen, Kleve-Lobith 28-08-2021 Duffel 139 km Afdeling 20140 Jonge&Oude (natour) 1-2-30-251-587-1219-3858-4896 (8/10)…
TOP results 2021…
These are the top results of the weekend of August 21st. until 08/22/2021. Stolorz, Norbert – Recklinghausen 21.08.2021 Gelnhausen (204 km) FG 2.469 Jungtauben 5-6-7-8-9-10-32-33-34-39-47-55-62-78-90-92-94-97 usw. (75/98) SG Muhl, Reinhard & Ina – Gröningen 21.08.2021 Kablow (184 km) RV 1.077 Jungtauben 5-6-7-7-13-14-17-20-35-77-81-97-107-117 usw. (22/34) Schlechtriem, Doris, Frank & Those are them Top results of the weekend from 21.08. until 08/22/2021. – Waldbröl 15.08.2021…
TOP results 2021…
The young animal flights have started in Germany. These are the top results of the weekend of August 14th. until August 15, 2021 Detlef Peternoga – RV Oberhausen Zentral 14. August 2021 Flug ab Haiger 119 km Reisevereinigung 1104 Tauben 1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,8.,9.,10.,11.,20.,20.,23.,46.,69.,70.,73.,75.,81.,82.,83. u.s.w. (45/26) Richter/M.+M. Lipski, RV Gelsenkirchen-Buer 1. Konkurs am 15.08. ab Göttingen (200 km) gegen 1.095 Tauben in der RV…
PERPIGNAN 2021 – National winner Germany Herbert Speen from Immerath…
Der Nationalsieger in Deutschland ab Perpignan 2021 ist Herbert Speen aus Immerath.Die Taube wurde am Freitag, den 05. August um 19:53 Uhr mit einer durchschnittlichen Geschwindigkeit von 1309,39 Meter/Min. nach einem Flug von 973.924 km konstatiert. Die nationale Preisliste finden sie hier…(click)