Category archives: Short messages

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    These are the top results from the weekend of 06/19/2021 and 06/20/2021. Giese, Peter – Aliso-Haltern 06/19/2021 Bamberg (327 km) RegV. 3,901 pigeons 22-25-55-81-82-109-127-131-143-165-171-176-181-191 etc. (47/58) Brinker, Wolfgang - Vechta-Spreda 06/19/2021 Bad Kreuznach (338 km) RV 389 pigeons 1-2-3-4-6-11-12-21-22-24 etc. (26/36) Jan van der Putten, trade 19-06-2021 Nanteuil 343 km 312 old pigeons 1​- 2​-5​-7​-8​-9​-10​-14​-15​-34​-44​-51​-55​-56​-73​-87​-89​-91​ -99…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    At the weekend, the races had to be reduced to a shorter distance, also due to the association's requirements and the forecast weather conditions. The flight meter figures and also the bankruptcy times show that this was probably a good decision! In Belgium, 2 more national flights with Valence and Argenton were on the program. Belgium 06/19/2021…

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Here are the top results from the weekend 12/13/06/2021: Giese, Peter - Aliso-Haltern 13/06/2021 Bad Kissingen (267 km) RV 556 pigeons 5-6-21-22-23-36-61-63-64- 68-89-90-91-92-97-98 etc. (36/65) Schwarte, Rainer - Rhede-Brual 06/13/2021 Heppenheim (401 km) RegV. 7,159 pigeons 1-15-17-18-20-28-37-50-77-79-127-146-210-216-217-316-424-478-558-627-632-776 etc. (32/ 46) SG Kersting & Sons - Attendorn 06/11/2021 Amstetten (600 km) IG long distance SO…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    At the weekend, the races had to be reduced to a shorter distance, also due to the association's requirements and the forecast weather conditions. The flight meter figures and also the bankruptcy times show that this was probably a good decision! In Belgium, 2 more national flights with Valence and Argenton were on the program. Belgium 06/19/2021…

  • TOP results 2021

    TOP results 2021

    Here are the top results from the weekend of June 5th/6th, 2021: Wilhelm Reckmann, RV Oer-Erkenschwick e.V. 1st prize on June 7th, 2021 from Forchheim (356 km) against 353 pigeons in the RV, 827 in the FG and 5,205 in the RegV 47 pigeons entered and 15 prizes won: 1st, 4th, 28th, 40th, 44th, 63rd, 64th, 74th, .. (RV) 1st, 7th, 52nd,…(FG) 1.,53.,…(RegV) Roland and Denis Faber, RV Hamburg v.…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The second national flight took place in Belgium at the weekend. Due to the weather conditions, the release was postponed to Sunday. National Chateauroux I - Release: June 6th, 2021 - 7:15 a.m. 24,628 Oude + 22,196 Jaarse = Total: 46,824 pigeons First pigeon in the province of Antwerp - 514 km - 1,272 birds/ min. – 13:59:22…

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Here are the top results from the weekend May 30th / 31st, 2021: SG Hagedorn-Becker-Schwick – Nordkirchen May 29, 2021 Neumarkt (389 km) RegV 6,755 pigeons 2-3-5-6-7-8-9-22-31-33-34-35-44-48-50-57-61-65-74- 75-76-83-87-126-131-132-134-140-146-165-198-204-211-214-246-257-259-277-290-291-294-305-309-353- 355-368-409-413-414-416-460-543-561-564-634-643-662-721 etc. (84/97) Wegmeth, Horst – Netphen-Deuz May 29, 2021 Regensburg (361 km) RegV. 2,232 pigeons 1-2-4-12-24-25-46-78-134-135-237 etc. (18/41) Rind, Rainer & Tochter – Rhede-Brual 30.05.2021 Boppard (350 km) RegV. 8.052 Tauben 1-2-3-13-14-33-39-43-53-54-60-61-70-72-73-76-112-113-175-189-196-239-254-256-324-330-340-344-437-406-596-717-717-843…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The weekend was all about the relatively strong "head wind" and so the pigeons had to do some work to get into the price lists. Despite these conditions, one can speak of a really good flying weekend if you take a closer look at the individual lists of the regional associations!…

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Here are the top results from the weekend May 22nd / 23rd, 2021: SG Weber & Kleekamp, ​​Recklinghausen 23.05.21 from Forchheim (339 km) against 792 pigeons in the RV, 1,178 in the FG and 6,208 in the RegV 53 pigeons were placed and 29 prizes won: 1st, 4th, 6th, 24th, 25th ., 26., 40., 42.,… (RV + FG) 1.,17.,24.,…(RegV) Team Mühling, Balve 23.05.2021 from Pregnitz (336 km) against 348…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The Whitsun weekend was marked by postponements of the races, mostly from Saturday to Sunday, as quite high gusts of wind were predicted on Saturday. As a result, there were a lot of transport vehicles to be found at the certified release sites and the releases had to be coordinated accordingly. Due to the still on…

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