Category archives: Short messages

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Here are the top results from the weekend May 15, 2021 and May 16, 2021: Berndt Kohagen, Neubrandenburg May 15, 2021 Wittingen 196 km 5,15,21,27,34,35,40,42,43,57,71,77 ,. etc. Bankruptcy 57/31 Prices Team Mühling, Balve 19. 05. 2021 Höchstadt an der Ais 279Km RV Plettenberg 364 p. 1.- 6.- 8.- 18.- 19.- 22.- 26.- 30.- 50.- 59.- 65.- 66.-…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    Das Wochenende war geprägt durch Verschiebungen der Flüge von Freitag bis Sonntag, sowohl auf den südlichen, als auch auf den östlichen Routen. Die Flugleitungen hatten alle Hände voll zu tun, um die doch recht schwierigen Bedingungen gut zu bewältigen. Vielerorts kam es auch zu Flugabsagen auf Grund der zweifelhaften

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Those are them Top results of the weekend from 21.08. until 08/22/2021. & Ina – Gröningen 08.05.2021 Thyrow (151 km) FG 2.613 Alttauben 2-5-6-7-8-9-36-46-60-65-66-83-104-108-110-112-123-147-173-187-237-295 usw. (37/55) Giese, PeterAliso-Haltern 09.05.2021 Bad Kissingen (267 km) RV 865 Alttauben 6-7-8-9-22-23-26-36-40-41-42-53-59-60-61-75-77-78-82-82a-87-95 usw. (49/79) Berger, AlfredWinseldorf 01.05.2021 Neukloster (137 km) FG 1.469 Alttauben 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-21-23-23-23-27-48-55-57-58-58-58-62-66-67 usw. (41/59) 08.05.2021 Demmin (224

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The weekend went quite well and evenly on both the east and westbound flights, due to the good conditions. The RV Rohrbach from Langres with a distance of around 250 km can be considered as an “outbound traveler”. Here the first pigeon achieved a flight distance of 2,389.665…

  • TOP results 2021 ...

    TOP results 2021…

    Schwarte, Rainer - Rhede-Brual May 2nd, 2021 Borken (176 km) Reg.-V. Group 6.572 old birds 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-12-24-24-26-29-48-62-64-99-118-121-126-244-249-251 etc. (46 / 60) Brinker, Wolfgang – Vechta-Spreda May 1st, 2021 Lüdenscheid (172 km) RV 703 old birds 3-4-5-7-16-19-20-21-25 etc. (38/54) Drapa, A. & W./Zhang - Königsbach-Stein 25.04.2021 Saverne (100 km) RV 606 old birds 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-17-18 -19-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-29-30-31-32-34-35-37-39-40-62-64-69-75-81-98 etc. (47/55) May 3rd, 2021 Sarrebourg (123 km)…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The weekend again brought very good results for Vanrobaeys customers at the races taking place. In Belgium there is now an increasing trend towards medium-haul flights and the first flights have been completed in Germany. In Germany it was mostly closed on Saturday and the bankruptcy periods were in the south-west,…

  • Vanrobaeys News ...

    Vanrobaeys News…

    The travel season has started in Belgium as well as in Germany, despite the known restrictions and the first flights mostly went quite smoothly. Here are some excerpts: Belgium Willy Stenaerts, Lummen - Regio Limburg 24.4.2021 - Witpen Lummen - from Soissons - 230 km 436 Oude + Jaarse - 1st…

  • HYP 100 - a unique relaxation and energy drink ...

    HYP 100 – a unique relaxation and energy drink…

    The energy source in combination with electrolytes, amino acids, vitamins and minerals offers the following advantages: THE BENEFITS FOR YOUR PIGEONS 1. Faster recovery after the flight through perfect moisture absorption 2. Increased resistance relieves thirst during the flights 3. Support of the digestive system after exertion and stress through a perfect…

  • Product of the Week - ROPA-B Booster ...

    Product of the week – ROPA-B Booster…

    ‚all in one‘ Probiotica & Prebiotics Ropa-B BOOSTER can have a very positive effect on the immune system and digestion. A unique composition of Lactobakzillen and fermented plant extracts promotes a healthy intestinal flora and improved resistance. This provides the sequence for a rapid multiplication of healthy intestinal bacteria. Moreover,…

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