Tag archives: Beek
In January 2014 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Next the breeding At this point I would like to wish all readers of the newsletter a good and healthy, 2014. Health for the animals but especially health for the readers themselves and their loved ones. That 2014 in all respects a good year may be. In the last newsletter I…
In December 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Bits and Tips Where the year again approaching the end I notice that a lot of issues are left lying. Threads what you can donate an entire article. But there are also tips and self-evident in relation to things which, I, the fairs and in emails…
In November 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Preventive or curative? Recently I was at a pigeon fancier to visit. It was an old date had been repeatedly postponed. We talked about different things that play in the pigeon sport. Eventually the conversation turned on 'accompanied by cattle-doctor'. I can already hear often the breeders tell me…
In October 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Evaluation 2 In the last newsletter I have message made by an apparently innocent bacteria in pigeons, which can be brought into practice in connection with a defective form of the pigeons. As I already mentioned because it fell on the deaf to this bacterium in large mass in…
Im September 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Evaluation Every year there is something that a year special. So we can probably make that this year through the long wet and cold period in the spring and early summer, followed by the first heat wave since 2006, in terms of the weather conditions during the flights, known as extraordinary rightly…
In August 2013 – von Tierarzt Peter Boskamp
Youngsters problems (2) The article about Juntaubenprobleme last month delivered a number of reactions. These ranged from very positive to very negative. The latter I would mainly due to that the newsletter was mostly directed to the preventive approach. For many growers, this had absolutely no use in…