Tag archives: mallorca derby
Vaccination appointment for the Derby pigeons / Mallorca derby comes with 822 pigeons at the start…
In the Derby pigeons the vet was a guest and she has been vaccinated against paramyxovirus. The settling is in full swing. Due to the high temperatures that prevail in Mallorca at the time, the pigeons get free flight in the early morning hours. The pigeons have now had time to develop.…
MALLORCA DERBY 2018 – the last pigeon group has arrived on the Cote…
In the past week, the last of three transports to Mallorca now took place. This time the pigeons from Arie Heezen (Dutch coordinator of Mallorca Derby) were handed over to Animals to Fly. Then the pigeons went by direct flights to Majorca. Bernardo took them there safely in reception.…
MALLORCA DERBY 2018 – Once more Derby pigeons on Mallorca…
This week, another Derby pigeons have made their way to Mallorca and have arrived on the impact of plant Bernardo in Inca-Senselles safely. Meanwhile, a considerable number of more than 500 pigeons is thus already arrived. Now it is important that the newcomers get to know the impact conditioning and…
Registration stop for Mallorca Derby 2018…
Mit nahezu 850 Anmeldungen für das Mallorca Derby 2018 haben wir die Kapazitätsgrenze erreicht. Wir können leider keine Anmeldungen mehr annehmen. Wir danken allen Teilnehmern für das uns entgegengebrachte Vertrauen. In dieser Woche wird der zweite Transport von Derbytauben nach Mallorca stattfinden. Der dritte Transport steht dann…
MALLORCA DERBY2018 - First transport of Derby pigeons completed ...
With the first transport, the first Derby pigeons have now arrived on the impact plant in Inca Senselles. More than 250 pigeons were brought by air transport from Amsterdam to Mallorca and taken there by Bernardo in reception. You can now get to know the impact investment in peace and settle down. We would like to again…
MALLORCA DERBY 2018 – More than 700 pigeons have filed a flight Derby…
Currently more than 700 pigeons are registered for Mallorca Derby already. A glance at the list of participants shows that a number of new teams and breeders should be welcomed for Derby flight again. There are going almost daily new registrations a particular online registration via the link on the website is www.mallorcaderby.de…
DERBY MALLORCA – Video from the final flight and registrations 2018…
Hier sehen sie das stimmungsvolle Video vom Finaltag 2017 auf Mallorca. Die online Anmeldung zum Mallorca Derby 2018 ist bereits freigeschaltet und kann ab sofort genutzt werden. Sie können sich sowohl postalisch als auch online anmelden. Hier geht es direkt zur Anmeldung…(click)
MALLORCA DERBY 2017 – with a sophisticated final…
With 671 registered Derby pigeons it started this year in Mallorca Derby. From late April to late May Derby pigeons were delivered to the sunny island Mallorca in three transports. International participants with pigeons from the Netherlands, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Spain and Germany participated in the Mallorca Derby…
MALLORCA DERBY – Finale 2017…
Am Samstag, den 07. Oktober 2017 starteten 416 Derbytauben zum Finalflug des Mallorca-Derby 2017. Um 11:00 Uhr wurden die Tauben aufgelassen. Eine Strecke von 250 km, davon etwa 200 km über das offene Meer, lag vor den Tauben. Es sollte eine anspruchsvolle Aufgabe für die Tauben werden, denn über…
MALLORCA DERBY – run last Flights successful before the final…
Am Freitag, den 29. September 2017 starteten 470 Derbytauben zum dritten und letzten Preisflug vor dem Finale am kommenden Samstag. Vom offenen Meer aus knapp 130 km startete Bernardo die Tauben um 11:00 Uhr. Die Tauben zogen geschlossen ab und machten sich auf den Weg Richtung Heimatschlag. Um 13:33…