Tag archives: Probac

  • Power Decisive factors for the journey - from Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Performance-critical factors for the journey – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

      The energy during the race will takes place at the pigeon mainly from the burning of fat. The energy value of fat is approximately double that of the same amount of carbohydrates or protein. However, the pigeon needs not only essential fatty acids from a correspondingly high-fat food, but also minerals, vitamins and…

  • Energiestoffwechsel - von Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp...

    Energy metabolism – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    The energy during the race will takes place mainly in the pigeon from the fat burning. The energy value of fat is approximately twice as high as that of the same amount of carbohydrate or protein. However, the pigeon needs not only essential fatty acids from a correspondingly high-fat food, but also minerals, vitamins and trace elements…

  • HEALTH - Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    HEALTH – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    Health The requirement for the performance and health of pigeons is a healthy intestinal flora. Probiotic bacteria are an effective way to keep pigeons in a natural way healthy. Probiotic bacteria (Probac) over millions of years in different bacteria cultures with warm-blooded animals have become a closed system mutual benefit.…

  • Multiresistente Keime  - von Dr. Hans–Peter Brockamp...

    Multidrug-resistant germs – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    Die veröffentlichten Zahlen über Infektionen mit multiresistenten Keimen stammen aus Abrechnungsdaten. Danach erkranken und sterben deutlich mehr Menschen als bisher gedacht an antibiotikaresistenten Keimen und die Infektionen seit 2010 nehmen deutlich zu. Das Gesundheitsministerium beruft sich bisher alleine auf offizielle Meldezahlen von MRSA, die angeblich rückläufig seien. Aus vorliegenden Statistiken der

  • Muscles and Training - Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Muscles and Training - Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    The dove has primarily red muscle fibers. These have a small diameter and are very rich in myoglobin (red muscle pigment) and even richer in mitochondria, where aerobic energy takes place (energy in the presence of oxygen). The red muscle fibers are excellent blood supply, the utilization of the energy supplied is compared…

  • Breeding and breeding preparation - Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Breeding and breeding preparation – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    Unabhängig vom Anpaarungstermin müssen die Zuchttiere zum Zeitpunkt der Anpaarung in einer vergleichbar guten Form sein, wie Reisetauben zu Beginn der Reise. Die Form der Eltern hat eine große Bedeutung für die Qualität der Nachkommen. Nur aus Zuchttauben in erstklassiger Verfassung ziehen sie hochwertigen Nachwuchs. Ca. 4 Wochen vor

  • Multidrug-resistant bacteria - Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp ...

    Multidrug-resistant germs – by Dr. Hans-Peter Brockamp…

    The figures published on infections with multi-resistant germs are from accounting data. Then ill and die far more people than previously thought to antibiotic-resistant germs and infections since 2010 to take significantly. The Ministry of Health relies far alone on official registration numbers of MRSA, the allegedly declining. from present…

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