Tag archives: Rik cools

  • Rik Cools - supplier of top pigeons ...

    Rik cools – Supplier of top pigeons…

    2016: 2. Belgian Masters Nevele 2017: 1. Provinzial Tours gegen 1.076 Jährige Rik Cools, Teilzeitberater an einer Schule in Aalter, bleibt an der Spitze des Taubensports. 2005 fing er an, Tauben allein zu spielen (davor immer im Tandem). Es war ein Blitzstart: Durch die gemeinsame Zucht mit Gaby Vandenabeele

  • RIC COOLS - AS-females without end ...

    RIC COOLS – AS females without end…

    Rik Cools was a tremendous start in 2015 succeeded his female team surprised the competition on the provincial flight from Clermont on May 9 with: 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th ... and 14 rates of 23 set against 6,559 pigeons! The quality of his colony he could on the one week later…

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