Tag archives: Ropapharm
Product of the week – ROPA-B Booster…
‚all in one‘ Probiotica & Prebiotics Ropa-B BOOSTER can have a very positive effect on the immune system and digestion. A unique composition of Lactobakzillen and fermented plant extracts promotes a healthy intestinal flora and improved resistance. This provides the sequence for a rapid multiplication of healthy intestinal bacteria. Moreover,…
Healthy animals are not a coincidence! … course Ropa B®!
receive health – reduce antibiotics! Animals in private keeping subject to a variety of stressors and strains. They react to this with an increased susceptibility to disease, performance depression and indigestion. Natural phytogenic (plant) digestibility enhancer based on oregano oil defined quality support intestinal activity. the secretion of gastric and will by excitation of the digestive organs…
ROPAPHARM now available for people…
Ropapharm provides successful new applications from its Dutch oregano oil. In addition to the worldwide success of the Ropa-B products for pigeons and other animal species brings Ropapharm products for humans on the market. For example, many adults suffer from athlete's foot diseases. To treat RopaNAIL was developed. Visit www.ropanail.com it. on the occasion of…
BLACK FRIDAY bei RopaStore…
Benefit at RopaStore with the "Black Friday Special" from 23 to 25 November 2018. 20% discount on all products. The discount is automatically taken into account when invoicing. Here www.ropastore.com order with Best Regards Ropstore Team
Ropa-B® for racing pigeons – the ORIGINAL…
The efficacy of oregano, which has been widely scientifically tested and confirmed, is particularly evident in the gastrointestinal region of the pigeons. Back in 1997, this efficacy of Ropa-B® 10% of Ropapharm International B.V. was in the pigeon clinic in Essen by the unfortunately deceased former head Dr. Ludger Kamphausen tested and proven.…
Dirk Schroll and Werner Schneider, RV Suderwich - play with females is their strength.
Speed and first prizes in the foreground! Dirk Schroll and Werner Schneider, RV Suderwich - the game with the females is their strength. In recent years, the impact Schroll and Schneider has become a dominant impact in Regional Association 401 Vest-Emscher-Lippe and the whole Ruhr Area.…
VANOPPEN - LUYTEN, Herk de Stad – Spectacular results on the national flights in 2014
Vanoppen - LUYTEN, Herk de Stad Spectacular results on the national races in 2014 8 x Top 10 National and 37 x top 100 National in just 2 weeks! Barely a week after their provincial victory from Sourdun end of July, the tandem Vanoppen hit - Luyten to again. In the last 3…