Tag archives: Typhoid

  • TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2018 - apply here until October 1, 2018 ...

    TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2018 - apply here until October 1, 2018 ...

    Im Jahr 2017 konnten alle Brieftaubenzüchter zum ersten Mal am „ brieftauben-markt Championat“ teilnehmen, unabhängig davon ob sie das Tipes Konstatiersystem einsetzen oder nicht. Auch für das Reisejahr 2018 wird eine der interessantesten Auszeichnungen im deutschen Brieftaubensport ausgelobt. Lesen sie hier alle Bedingungen: Teilnahmebedingungen Teilnehmen können alle Besucher des online

  • NEW !!! TIPES MC2100 S - The Fastest Clock in the market / 100% Made in Germany ...

    NEU !!! Tipes MC2100 S – the fastest clock in the marketplace / 100% Made in Germany…

    Up to 4 independent growers up to 2,000 pigeons All previous features of TIPES contain 100% compatible with existing TIPES systems Enhanced Tamper Protection software update of system components (antennas) by the MC 2100 self-test and diagnostic capabilities of the MC2100 configuration detection of the connected system components self-test and diagnostics for the connected…

  • TIPES Club discount - The new innovation in the work site ...

    TIPES Club discount - The new innovation in the work site…

    Die Neue Innovation vom Erfinder des Elektronischen Zeiterfassungssystems für den Taubensport. TIPES Clubabschlag Seit es „elektronisches Konstatieren“ gibt, arbeiten alle Brieftaubenverbände nach dem gleichen Schema: „Einsatzliste und Uhrenstreifen“ als Beleg drucken. So war es von Anbeginn des elektronischen Konstatieren. TIPES hat im Jahre 2010 ein zusätzliches Sicherheitskriterium eingeführt:

  • TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2018 ...

    TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2018 ...

    TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2018 - the winners ... In 2017, all pigeon fanciers were able for the first time at the "brief deaf-market championship" participate, regardless of whether they use the clocking system Tipes or not. Also for the trip in 2018 one of the interessantesten Awards will be awarded in the German pigeon racing and the winners have been announced.…

  • The world's No. 1 -. TIPES MC2100 at a glance ...

    World No. 1 – TIPES MC2100 at a glance…

    The new generation of pigeon identification and Flights real-time system MC2100 BASIC PREMIUM ULTIMATE Worldwide, the no. 1 Made in Germany Which TIPES MC2100 is the best for you? BASIC PREMIUM ULTIMATE Maximum pigeons 250 500 1000 Number of Breeder 2 3 4 Total flights 2 10 50 Number TIPES BUS antennas…


    tipes MC601 – YOUR KEY TO SUCCESS!

    ! MC601 ALWAYS THE BETTER CHOICE! Take advantage of your RV the price advantage for the season 2018! , Order! Today payable on delivery! YOUR PRICE ADVANTAGE FOR THE SEASON 2018 Ring TIPES MC601 € 1.30 each (incl.VAT) valid from now until 03.01.2018 !! Minimum order: 500 pieces The…

  • TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2018 ...

    TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2018…

    Im Jahr 2017 konnten alle Brieftaubenzüchter zum ersten Mal am „ brieftauben-markt Championat“ teilnehmen, unabhängig davon ob sie das Tipes Konstatiersystem einsetzen oder nicht. Auch für das Reisejahr 2018 wird eine der interessantesten Auszeichnungen im deutschen Brieftaubensport ausgelobt. Lesen sie hier alle Bedingungen: Teilnahmebedingungen Teilnehmen können alle Besucher des online

  • TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2017 - apply until 1 October 2017 ...

    TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2017 – apply before October 1, 2017…

    NEW !!! TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2017 ... From HDI is TIPES! This is not to be taken literally. 9 years has the insurance company HDI with the "HDI letter deaf-market Championships" and sporty in pigeon racing set accents. For this, again our heartfelt thanks! By changing the responsibilities and organizational changes in HDI…

  • NEW !!! TIPES letter deaf-market Championships in 2017 ...

    NEW !!! TIPES letter deaf-market Championships 2017…

    From HDI TIPES is! This is not to be taken literally. 9 years has the insurance company HDI with the “HDI pigeons-market Championships” also set sporty accents in the pigeon sport. For this, again our heartfelt thanks! By changing the responsibilities and organizational changes in HDI, this is now no longer possible.…

  • TIPES remote tee "NEW" ...

    TIPES remote tee "NEW"…

    - Easy to use - no annual costs (membership) - tamper protection TIPES EST - automatic data transmission to the operation site requirements for the breeder: * TIPES MC1100 or TIPES MC2100 with Version 2.0 * TIPES remote billing software and TIPES remote tee adapter * computer from Windows 7 with a serial port (also USB / serial adapter possible)…

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